I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Mrs Anderson and Mrs Fisi'iahi.
Sunday, 26 December 2021
Challenge 1 - Build Something That Flies!!
Monday, 6 December 2021
Summer Learning Journey | Art Colouring Book
L.I to use Googles Art Coloring Book to explore and use creative thinking.

Wednesday, 10 November 2021
Gold Attitude 4 ~ Sir Edmund Hillary
Monday, 1 November 2021
Gold Confience 1 ~ How to stand up to bullies
L.I Create a DLO on how to stand up to bullies.
Thursday, 30 September 2021
Lazy Sneakers: Maia Mariner Response 1 : I see me
L.I To Design a pair of sneakers that represent you and your cultural identity.
Surgeon: Dr Semisi Lolohea Response 1 | I see me
Wednesday, 29 September 2021
Mechatronic Engineer: Joyana Finch Response 2 | I see me
L.I to create a DLO that shows a future job you would like to have.
Wednesday, 22 September 2021
Tuesday, 14 September 2021
Cinquain Poem Muzan | Reading
L.I go create a cinquain poem about your favourite anime/manga charachter.
Muzan Kibutsuji Profile
L.I to create manga/anime profile.
In this DLO above, I have created a DLO showcasing my favourite anime/manga character profile. My favourite character, who goes by the name of Muzan Kibutusji. Muzan Kibutusji is the enemy of the anme and manga series Demon Slayer. He is the king of all demons and has lived up to 5000 years. Muzan is considered to be the strongest, as he can manipulate, use demon art, Apsorption, memory access, telepethy, demon curse and etc. He is able to do all of these things as we has lived many years, as the more a demon lives, the stronger they get.
I picked Muzan as my favourite because, he is ruthless and lives with no regret.
I really enjoyed this activity because, I was able to talk about my favourite anime.manga chrachter and explore more about him.
Tuesday, 7 September 2021
Customising Sneakers
L.I To customize a pair sneakers.
This DLO below displays my vision of how I would customize a pair of sneakers. This activity was inspired by a Kiwi Artist, Rangi-Haira Jaxon Greening, who has used his passion for art to create his own customized sneakers. He has created some iconic shoes, such as creating KFC, Spongebob, 4 spuare themed shoes. Last weeek we were challenged to create a fresh pair of customised sneakers. The theme of my shoes was about the Disney Movie Series : Monsters inc. I used the colors blue and purple to represent one of the main characters(James P. Sullivan) and the green representing another main charachter(Mike Wazowski). The color pink represents Boo who was a main asset to the storyline in the movie. I also included the Monsters University logo to make the shoe complete.
I really enjoyed doing this activity because I was able to go outside of my comfort zone and use my of my creativity.
Here are the results
Monday, 6 September 2021
Katsudo Shashin Animation
LI: To create an animation.
One of the oldest surviving pieces of Japanese animation may be a nameless, dateless, approximately 3-second film known as “Katsudo Shashin“ (literally “Action Photo“). It simply features a boy writing the words 活動写真 katsudo shashin and then doffing his cap. Our challenge today was to use our animation skills to create our own 3 second ‘action photo’ using our own manga character. I enjoyed this because I got to be creative and try something new by making my own animation.
The History of Manga
L.I Research the History of Manga
Our reading comprehension focus today was to complete a about the history of Manga to show that we are reading for meaning and understanding. Our final challenge in this activity was to create a DLO to share the information we found out. Manga is a originated Japanese collection and series of comic books/graphic novels. Manga was first founded from scrolls back in the 12th - 13th centuries. The word Manga was first bring to light when Hokusai Katsushika used it to describe his ukiyo-e sketches. In 1853+ Manga was than starting to take hold of western influence. Between the years of 1945 - 1980, Manga started to make an appearance as “modern manga”. Osamu Tezuka a Japanese manga artist, created a new and fresh part to the history of manga. Osamu Tezuka in Japan and frequently nicknamed the "Walt Disney of Japan" by Americans, Osamu Tezuka was perhaps the most important contemporary comic artist in entire Japan. On February 9, 1989 when Osamu Tezuka passed away, it was evaluated that he had drawn approximately 170,000 individual cartoons and created somewhere near 700 stories. After Osamu Tezuka's death, Manga magazine Weekly Young Magazine was introduced and a lot of famous manga's that we know of now(which have now been put into anime's) including, Goku, Sailor moon etc.
We found it interesting that the oldest Manga is from the 12th and 13th century.
Wednesday, 25 August 2021
Sisters & Vintage fun Response 1| I see me
Monday, 16 August 2021
Ancient Greek Olympics
LI: To present a DLO as a group about the ancient Greek olympics.
Saturday, 14 August 2021
Gold Attitude 3 ~ The Social Worker In School role
LI: researching the role of the SWIS in our school, and to tell others how they help us.
Friday, 6 August 2021
Coding with Python
LI: To see and understand the connections between the written code, the block code and the flow chart.
This is the comparision between Python coding, the blocks and the flowcharts for making the Microbit act like a dice.
Gold Attitude 2 ~ What are PBS CARE Badges
L.I to learn what the purpose of our Panmure Bridge badges mean.
To achieve my Gold Attitude Badge, My teacher and I have created a task that explains the purpose of the Panmure Bridge CARE badges. I have made a slideshow explaining how you earn a CARE Value badge and what they are. The Care Badges consist of 4 different badges and of two different types, Gold and Silver. The four badges stand for Confidence, Attitude, Respect, & Excellence. These are also are school values which are expected to be followed. To earn the badges you can read this slideshow.
Thursday, 5 August 2021
Medal Tally
LI: to use the most efficient strategies to find answers.
I have created a DLO explaining our strategy and answers for a certain maths problem. The maths problem that we have chosen was based off of the Olympic medal totals for each country. Using information from 2 different charts of Medal statistics we found out the current top 10. I have made a screencastify video explaining my strategy.
Wednesday, 4 August 2021
Mindfulness Reflection #1
LI: To become Mindfulness being, in the present.
Today was LS2's first session of Pause Breathe & Smile. Pause Breathe and smile, focus's on creating and training yourself to have a healthier and positive mindset; helping navigating to live in the moment. It also helped us spark our curiosity and focus on our well-being.
This concluded in us doing breathing exercises with the standing bell/tibetan. The bell played a very important role, as it instructed us to breathe and become more mindful. We were required to put our hands on our knees and have a soft tummy, with a straight back.
When doing these excercises, we felt balanced and lightened. We really enjoyed this session because regain relaxation and focus in our well being.
Tuesday, 3 August 2021
Gymnastic 2 | Maths
L.I To use the most efficent strategy to find the answer.
This weeks focus in maths was all about talking about our strategies. With this in mind, we were acquired to complete some maths challenges set up by our teacher. The challenge I will be show casing is Challenge 2. In this challenge, i was required to solve two questions. the first question was to find out what the gold medallist's score was, and the second question was comparing 2nd place to 3rd places scores and seeing how much 2nd place won by.
Here is a screenwriting of me explaining my strategy to solving these questions.
Our focus for this activity was based around recalling our time tables fast. The goal of the game was to remember our time tables and say them as quick to beat the opponent. To play this game, we pick a word and roll two dice that go up to 12. After doing so, we look at the dice and multiply the numbers. If one of the dice roll on 6 and the other on 3, we go 6x3 and say the answer (18) as fast as we can. The person who gets the answer correct fastest, erases one letter from the word. In the end, if you answer the equations and have no letters left, you are announced the winner.
First, we chose a partner to challenge. Whoever won out of the pair gets to challenge another person who won from their pair. The person who won that goes onto the quarter finals, then the semi-finals and then the finals. The person who won the finals is the winner and fastest person to recall their time tables. Afatia won the finals against Chris.
I enjoyed this activity a lot because it was a fun experience and everybody had a very big wave of shock with who won. I hope we get the oppurtunity to do this again.
Friday, 30 July 2021
Badminton Challenge 3 | Maths
L.I To use the most efficent strategy to find the answer.
This weeks focus in maths was all about talking about our strategies. With this in mind, we were acquired to complete some maths challenges set up by our teacher. The challenge I will be show casing is Challenge 3. In challenge three, we were acquired to figure out how many right angles there are on an entire badminton racket. In this video I explained my strategy to solve the problem.
Y Chart Violet Walrond | Reading
L.I to make inferences about the events in the text using clues provided by the author.
Our focus this week in Reading was about Violet Walrond.
Violet Walrond was the first female new zealand representatives in the swimming industry. She played in the 1920 Antwerp Olympics at the age of 15 years of age and was the youngest competitor. She was also one of the firsts in New Zealand to ever use the crawl technique, which had grew a lot of attention around NZ. Violet started winning competitions at a the age of 12 years old, and her father was also her coach; as he did get gifted the Royal Humane Society award, for saving 11 people from drowning.
In this activity we were required to complete this Y chart, that concluded me looking at a image and inferring from a question. The question that was asked was “What will happen when time unfreezes”. Fau and I worked collaboratively together to complete this task. For us to get a better understanding of the context, we were acquired to read a passage about Violet Walronds life.
We really enjoyed this activity because we learnt apart of NZ history.
Flow chart and Radio Chat
To understand how flowcharts relate to coding blocks.
To understand how to get the microbit to talk to another microbit using radio signals.
Here is my flowchart practice document.
Wednesday, 28 July 2021
Should host countries have to spend so much money on building the Olympic venues?
LI: To use provocation to understand both sides of a story.
Our focus this week for reading was based on the Olympics & provocation. We used provocation to understand both side of the question asked. The question was should host countries spend so much money on building the Olympic venues? Our opinion was that host countries should not spend a massive amount of money on the olympics, since the former buildings used to host the olympics. We think that the billions of dollars used to entertain others with sport, should be used to help other countries who are facing difficult times(poverty, homelessness, lack of education etc). To get a better understanding of this topic, we were reqiured to research and find images of before and after olympic venues.In our groups, we were very shocked to find out that most of these venues were abandoned, outgrown and untouched. We found this task interesting because seeing both side of the story meant different people see the story with different opinion.
Tuesday, 6 July 2021
Challenge 12: What we share Public & Private
L.I to learn about personal information that should be private, and personal information that can be made public.
Gold Attitude 1 | Interschool Netball
LI: to participate in a inter-school competition.
For me to complete and achieve my Gold attitude badge; in this activity, I was required to enter a inter-school competition. The Inter-school that I have participated in is Netball. I have really enjoyed participating in Netball, as it has help me stay fit and active. I also love the sport for how it is played and the passion I show for it. I have really enjoyed this season, and how it is going. Netball has taught me so many things, such as discipline and self-control. It has also given me the opportunity to become more active, which i'm grateful for.
The Position that I play is Goal Shoot, Wing Attack and Goal Attack. Goal shoot, is the main shooter. Wing Attack is not allowed to shoot, but supports the GA & GS. Goal Attack, is exactly like the Goal Shoot, but is just allowed to go into more thirds(parts of the courts).
My goals in Netball is to become more accurate in my shooting and to have good sportsmen-ship towards the other team.
Identifying Comprehension
Thursday, 1 July 2021
Researching Maps
L.I To use our smart searching skills to expand our knowledge of Ancient Greek Mythology.
Today David shared the next reading challenge with us. It is all about the Greek gods and helps us to practise the skills we have been learning in our reading lessons with our teachers.
David created this task as part of his CARE award challenges. In this smart searching activity, we used our comprehension and research skills to learn about Greek Mythology vocabulary and identify Greek places on the map.
I found this activity interesting because i've learnt more about the places and details of greece history.
Ancient Greece Word Sorting | Myths Legend
L.I to organize and research, words that connect to ancient greek.
This week, David as been teaching and expanding our knowledge about greek mythology. Greek Mythology is a large collection of stories, started in Ancient Greece, about the beginning of the world, and the lives and adventures of gods, goddesses, heroes, and heroines.
In this activity David has explained that we were acquired to organize these words, into the categories: People, Places, Government, War and Culture. The list of words can be seen on slide three, as well as the organization. We all collaborated together to get this done.
I really enjoyed this activity because it has taught me so much new words. I also enjoyed learning and growing my knowledge on greek mythology.
Wednesday, 30 June 2021
Mars Landing Facts | Inquiry Toys
L.I to gain more knowledge about the rovers in the mars landing.
Tuesday, 29 June 2021
Venn Diagram | Myths & Taonga
LI: To find the differences and similarities within the different stories.
We watched a video about the maori creation story and we also read a text that was also about the maori creation story, when comparing them together there were some noticeable differences that were easy to spot. Our task was to write down the differents and the similarities of the video version and the written version. We compared and contrasted and we then looked the some of the simalarites that they both had. Our group enjoyed doing this because it helped us know the difference between the two different stories as some stories tend to chnage over time as stories are passed down
I enjoyed this task to because I found it easy to find the differences and the similarities between the video and text.
Culture | Abstract Noun
Our focus this week in writing is to create a abstract noun poem. A abstract noun is something that you can feel emotionally and mentally, but not physically. In this poem we were required to pick a abstract noun and create a poem about it. in this poem, we needed to include the 5 senses, puncuation, complex sentences, metaphors, similies & abstract nouns. we also used DRAFT, to help us complete our poems.
Liletina and I had worked collaborativly on creating a poem about Culture. We also used word-hippo to check if there was any other words we needed to change to make our writing more detailed. We also used inspiration fo the classroom to make it more descriptive, and create a more vivid image in our peers minds.
I really enjoyed this weeks focus in writing because it allowed us to become more creative, and gain more knowledge about how to enhance poems and abstract nouns.
Monday, 28 June 2021
Did this happen? | Taonga & myths
LI: To consider both perspectives
We are learning about the Taonga of Storytelling, the story that we learnt about was about Maori legend about the mountains. For this task we worked together to decide/negotiate whether or not we think that it had happened using evidence to help support our opinion. We used our smart searching skills to help us find evidence that it happened or didn't happen. We then negotiated whether or not we though if this actually happened and then said why we thought what we thought.
I really enjoyed looking at how the other perspectives have different ways of thinking.
Rock Paper Scissors
L.I : To learn how to code the microbot also by playing rock,paper and scissors.
Link : Link DLO / Task
When I shake the microbit , It will choose a random number between I and 3 , I have to make varible called hand. If the number is one - The microbot wll show the symbol .If the number is two the symbol will show with a rock. If the number is three the microbot will show the symbol for scissors.
Thursday, 24 June 2021
Success | Using Abstract Nouns in Poems/Writing
LI: To write a abstract noun senses poem
Our task was to create a poem using metaphors and abstract nouns. A metaphor is a comparison of two things, saying one thing is the other without using ‘like’ or ‘as’. Abstract nouns are things the we can see but we can't physically touch it. The 5 senses are sight, hearing, taste, smell and feel.
First, we chose a word from the list, our group picked success. After picking the word,we looked for the structure in the example given to us. Then, we created a poem with the structure. After writing the poem, we created a DLO about the poem. The word that my group decided on was Success. In our poem we express how it feels, looks, tastes, hears and smells like. We all worked collaborativly to complete and create this DLO.
We really enjoyed this activity, because it taught us how to create metaphors and poems, using abstract nouns.
Tuesday, 22 June 2021
Main Ideas | Myths & Legends
LI: To identify main ideas in the text.
Summarising | Myths & Legends
Friday, 18 June 2021
Flowcharts & Dice
LI: To learn how to use flowcharts to plan coding.
Our focus this week in Tech is to learn how to use flowcharts during planning coding. A flowchart shows the steps of a problem as boxes of various kinds, and their order is shown by connecting the boxes with arrows. In this DLO shown below, we have practiced creating a flow chart based on rolling dice.
In this activity we used micro-bits to roll these dices. The flowcharts were based on these micro-bits activities.
I really enjoyed this weeks Tech learning, because i'm starting to become more familiar and better at coding which will and can benifit my learning. I'm looking forward the the learning next week.
Wednesday, 16 June 2021
Identify, Investigate & Evaluate
L.I to use technological practice process to design a toy.
Rover Mood Board | Toys
LI: to create a board of ideas that can help us create our own rover
Friday, 4 June 2021
Book Week
LI: to share our learning with our families
Today PBS celabrated Book week and Samoan Language week this week. PBS held a book week and samoan language week assembly. Our school also dressed up as a chracter from a book to raise the book week spirit. We also had a guest visitor, which actually turned out to be Spider-man. As a small gift of LS2 and LS1, the senior school, each paired up with a juniour school to read them a book.
I really enjoye dthis weeks book week, because the children were very happy with all of the activities that were set up by the senior school.
Being a Jedi in Coding
LI: To become a coding jedi, by trying to control our mbot's directions.
My robot will wait untiol I have pressed the onboard button before it does anything.
We used an "IF - THEN - ELSE" block, as this give the robot two choices of things to do.
We are using the ULTRASONIC SENSOR on the front of the robot and we need to sense if something is 10cm in front of it wil move backwards. IfF something is NOT less than 10 cm of the robot, it will move forward (ELSE). Thisis all put into a forever block so that the robot constantly senses what is in front of it.
Wednesday, 2 June 2021
Pulleys | Simple Machines Inquiry
L.I to learn how the system of a Pulley works, by creating a diagram.
Friday, 21 May 2021
Tidy Drive | Cybersmart
Financial Capabilites
Wednesday, 19 May 2021
Provocation l Polynesian Panthers
LI: To evaluate (form an opinion) the text and respond to provocation.
A provocation is a purposeful action meant to bring out lawful or political topics with the desired caused to make someone angry or upset in mental, physical or emotional form. In short, a provocation is an action taken with desire to cause others to have strong feelings about a topic or issue. However, our DLO was not created for the purpose of making others angry but to share our opinion on the events of the 1970s, respectfully. In 1970, the New Zealand government sent armed police officers and dog squads to the homes of Polynesian people. They had batons and megaphones and would brutally force people without a current work visa out of their own houses and deport them back to their country of birth. In response, a group called the “Polynesian Panthers” were formed. The Polynesian Panthers were a group of university students protesting against the Dawn Raids and the rights for Social Injustice. ‘Power to the oppressed’. The authorities who were meant to keep New Zealand a safe place had permission to abuse their power in order to kick Pasifikan’s out of their homes. With this in mind, we think that our Government today (Labour) does not need to apologise for the actions of the past Government (National) not only because they are separate parties but also because Jacinda Ardern and her party is not at fault for the racist actions taken by National. However, we think that the current leader of National (Judith Collins) and the National Party members of today should be the one to issue an apology on behalf of those responsible for these events. This is because she is the head of National which is the party who were the cause of the Dawn Raids and deportation of Polynesian people. However, they do need to issue an apology publicly as it can potentially fix the open wounds that remain today. The apology should be proposed by the correct party members as a sign of empathy and remorse.
ASB Getwise
L.I to become more wiser with money
Today, LS2 worked with Marlon, working towards becoming smarter and wiser with money. For us to get a better understanding, we played a game that taught us to stop think and make good decisions. In this game, we were required to pretend as if we were going on a trip to Fiji. we need to provide, Passport fees, accommodations, Economy flight, Travel insurance, entertainment and food. We were budgeted with $1800, and were challenged to use this money wisely.
I really enjoyed doing Asb Getwise, because it helped us become more wiser and create good decisions with money. I hope we can do this again.
Saturday, 8 May 2021
Challenge Seven : Google Drawn Fish
LI: to learn how to use Google Draws more confidently.
Isaac Newton | Reading/Science
L.I to learn about Isaac Newton
Monday, 12 April 2021
Duffy Assembly
L.I to understand the importance of reading.
Today we had Marc from Duffy come and talk to us about the importance of reading and how reading can make a big impact on your life. Although Marc had some challenges in his life he used reading as a tool to get through the hard times. Marc believes that there is only CANs and not CAN’Ts. I was very inspired from Marc's speech, cause it taught me about how you can get through life even though you are going through a tough time
Key Competencies
LI: To compare the Key Competencies we think we will use on camp and the Key Competencies we
actually used.
Before we went to camp our challenge was to think about when we might use the Key Competencies as we faced the challenges. When we came back from camp we looked at this and compared how we thought we would use the Key Competencies and how we actually used them.
I found this activity exciting because because I got to reflect on how I have developed confidence and risk taking from this small proportion in camp.
Friday, 9 April 2021
Camp Collage
LI: To create a collage of your camp highlights.
Friday, 19 March 2021
Celebrating the Summer Learning Journey
LI: To celebrate the PBS Summer Learning Journey participants.
The Summer Learning Journey is a online organization, that helps children keep up with they're learning, through the digital screen. This is due to kids, lack of academic levels dropping throughout the holidays.
Panmure Bridge School was very proud to become apart of the SLJ Programme, as we have been the best school to complete the Summer Learning Journey Programme.
The activities that were set, was created by Nano-Girl. Some teachers around NZ, had also contributed into making these activities, which most students really enjoyed.
As apart of celebrating our achievements, Panmure Bridge has set different prizes and certificates at our school assemblies.
PBS, still remains with the title of top blogging school, in the whole of NZ.
Congratulations to Sakshi on becoming, PBS top blogger, top commenter and First place top blogger for Manaiakalani.
Friday, 12 March 2021
Woodwork Plan | Tech
L.I to plan to create your woodwork design.
This week in Tech, we were working towards making our wood-word designs, by creating a design on paper. The design that I have chosen to create was a Old-fashion car. WIth all of our designs, they all needed to have a joint.
I really enjoyed this weeks Tech, because I am working towards my goal, to create this car.
Saturday, 6 March 2021
Number Banks | Maths
L.I to practice our place value knowledge.
In this DLO above, I was required to adjust these numbers. The numbers that I were given were 49,2615. With these numbers, I needed to adjust the numbers, as the document had told me.
(e.g What is the largest six-digit number you can make?) The purpose of this task was to help us challenge our place value knowledge, into re-arranging these numbers.
I really enjoyed this task, because of how it challenged my knowledge.
Wednesday, 3 March 2021
Giant Panda Research | Writing
Friday, 19 February 2021
Activity 3 : Ready for Learning | Cybersmart
L.I Be cybersmart and use our devices to Learn, Create & Share.
Thursday, 18 February 2021
Activity 2 : Know your keyboard | Cybersmart
L.I Be cybersmart and use our devices to Learn, Create & Share.
In this DLO showcased above, I have completed the second activity. In this slideshow, i was required to find out more about the chromebooks keyboard. In the first slide, we needed to put in our name into the keyboard. In the second slide we needed to Move the labels to show the location of these keys on your keyboard. On the third slide we needed to find the shortcuts and put them in the table that was set up for us.
Activity 1: Kawa of Care | Cybersmart
L.I be cybersmart and use our devices to learn, create and share.
L.I to develop Leadership skills.
Hydration & Health
L.I to understand why staying hydrated is important for our learning and health.
Pie Chart | Maths
L.I To plan and carry out a statistical investigation.
Fau, Chris and I asked different students in LS2 4 different questions. Those questions were; ‘What is your favorite Color’ ‘What is your favorite Animal’ ‘What is your favorite Food’ and ‘What is your favorite brand’. After gathering the data, we recorded it on a piece of paper and then created a graph. We chose one of the 4 questions as a topic for our graph. The question we chose was ‘What is your favorite Color?’. 4 students liked blue, 4 students liked purple, 2 students like black, 2 people liked green, 1 person liked Sage, 1 person liked red, and 1 person liked yellow. With the data gathered, we formed a pie chart/graph. from this graph that we had created, we found out the percentage of the classrooms, favourite colors, the results can be shown above.
I really enjoyed this activity, because it was very fun to ask students about their personal favourites and finding out the color that the majority of the class like.
Wednesday, 10 February 2021
Summary of Tiriti o Waitangi
L.I to explain in fewer words what the text is about.
Thursday, 21 January 2021
My Own Optical Illusion | Summer Learning Journey | Week 1 Activity 7
L.I to use inspiration from other optical illusion's to create your own.
In this DLO, I have used inspiration from different optical illusion portraits, to create my own. As you have seen in my previous blog post I made, I had re-created a famous illusion by M.C Escher, in this activity we were asked to create our very own illusion. I have made a continuous dimond, that seems to never end. This took a very long proccess since it took a lot of copy and pasting. In the process of making this, My eyes started to see different things and I became to get more dizzer. What this optical illusion reminds me of is a portal to an outer space world. Here are the results.
Monday, 11 January 2021
Opstical Illusion | Summer Learning Journey Week 1 Activity 7
L.I To use our creativity to create and design our own optical.
In this DLO I have re-created a optical illusion. this illusion is a Paradox Illusion, which means a illusion that is impossible to solve. As you can see here this cube is hard to figure out which side it is facing. This illusion was created by M.C Escher. M.C Escher is a dutch graphic artist who is mostly well known for his impossible construction, infinity explorations, design, and tessellations. In one of the potraits that he had made it showed how this illusion was made below. In the potrait, it showed a young boy sitting on a bench playing with this object. Below this DLO, a video of me explaing the types of illusions, and more about M.C Escher is their as another part of completing the step it up challenge.
Comment down below what is your favourite type of illusion!
Monday, 4 January 2021
Taneroa | Summer Learning Journey | Wk 1 A 6 Step it up
L.I to create a more detailed Kowhaiwhai pattern.
Storyline: This Kowhaiwhai pattern is about Rangi & Papa, before they were seperated. I hae used Blue to represent Papa(Sky) and Green to represent Rangi(Nautre). I also used two koru's to with different colors to represent the children they had.
In this DLO above, I have used my creativity to create a more detailed kowhaiwhai pattern. A kowhaiwhai pattern is a monograph that expresses a story using maori art. Just as the last task, we needed to create a kowhaiwhai pattern; but in this activity, we were able to use different lines and make it more detailed. This activty also concluded us to create a storyline as any other kowhawhai pattern.
In my kowhawhai pattern I hade used two main colors which were the main key of understanding my story. With my kowhaiwhai pattern I created a heart, to create the love of Rangi & Papa
I really enjoyed this activity because of how we used our creativity, and how I needed to research more into different moari myths to get my storyline.
Leave your thoughts below on what you think about my pattern.