
Monday 17 December 2018

Summer learning Journey week 1 activity 1

L.I is to learn new facts about new zealand.
This week On monday we had joined sommer learning Journey. Summer Learning Journey is a community of people that has activities for kids so that kids can upper their knowledge. The first activity that we have to do is about facts about new Zealand. Here are some facts that I have learnt about my country. This facts also taught me things about New Zealand that I didn't even know about.

  1. In new Zealand 30% of the country is forest.
  2. Kiwi's Love cars with 2.5 million cars with for 4 million people which makes our country one of the most  highest ownership cars rates in the world.
  3. Auckland is the biggest city in New Zealand although Wellington is the capital.


  1. Kia ora Sulia,

    Welcome to the Summer Learning Journey! I am a part of the Summer Learning Journey team that will be reading your blog posts this summer. It is great to see that you have already started doing the activities!

    I enjoyed reading this blog post and I found the fact about cars particularly interesting! It is amazing that there are over half as many cars as people. What do you like about these facts?

    Keep up the awesome work!



    1. Hi Sophia. Sorry for the late reply. What I do like about these facts are that they teach me about things in New Zealand that I didn't know about.

      Thank you!
