
Friday 21 December 2018

Summer learning Journey Living on The edge

Kia Ora Fau,
I hope you have been able to read this. Here in Tundra it is pretty cold. It is also dry and it is treeless. Tundra is a really interesting place because There are things that I didn't know really existed like a animals for example a lemming. This animal is pretty cute. A lemming is a small rodent which is normally found near Tundras biomes. I also noticed that they can change there coat to white so that they could hide snow, That's pretty cool right. Did you know that Polar bears come to
Tundra in Summer so that they can have babies. That's a cool fact.
Hope You could experiment this one day Fau.

L.I to give a note to your family Member or friend about your experiment in Tundra.
For this Summer Learning Journey activity we had made a letter to a Friend or a family member. I sent a note to My cousin Fau. I hope she read this note. We had to write a note about how Experiment was in Tundra. Tundra is a place where it is Treeless and dry. Tundra is a pretty cold place and unique.

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Sulia,

    I really enjoyed reading your letter about your experience in the tundra. I particularly liked all of the little fun facts about the animals you included - I didn't realise lemmings could change colour! That's very cool, and clever. How many layers of clothing did you have to where while you were there?

    If you were given the opportunity to visit the tundra in real life, would you go? I'm not so sure that I would (I don't like being cold) but it does look very beautiful.

    Congratulations on completing yet another activity Sulia. Keep up the great blogging! :)

    Bye for now,

