
Saturday 28 December 2019

'Dear Jacinda' | Summer Learning Journey | Week 1 Day 1 Actvity 3

L.I to to write a letter to Jacinda Ardern explaining an issue.
Today I am doing the Summer Learning Journey's Day 1 Activity 3.  The Summer Learning Journey is a program that helps children keep track of their learning during the holidays. I am glad that my school is participating because, the school can get more recognition and the students can learn all different sorts of things.  My school(Panmure Bridge School) has had a great job with doing the Summer Learning Journey, so we are hoping to have another great year.

For this activity we were asked to write a letter to Jacinda Ardern explaining an issue of your choice. The issue that I had picked was about 'Littering'. The reason why I have chosen this issue is because it has been a big impact on the earth and it isn't safe. Here is the letter I have written.


  1. Great persuasive letter - hope it has an impact Sulia! Keep blogging, and commenting on others, to increase your chance of winning one of the awesome prizes and to keep up your learning over the school break!

  2. Hello Sulia! This is a really good letter, and a great way of expressing the main points by making them bold. It's very persuasive, and I hope we can start making a change because this is a serious issue. What are some ways Jacinda could act upon this problem in New Zealand? It would be even more helpful for you to suggest some ideas as well as making your statement in the letter. Well done again!

  3. Hi Sulia!
    This activity you did was great, Great job for staying active with the Summer Learning Journey! What was the hardest part of this activity?
    Blog you later!
    ~ Florence
