In this DLO seen below, I have wrote down words, that remind me of the topic. The 4 topics were basically the 4 walls, "My family, my community, my connection and Hauora. I have wrote at least 5-10 words in each topic. I have also added a image of myself in the middle. This was also connected to the an other activity that we did with 4 pieces of paper representing Hauora. Here are the results
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Mrs Anderson and Mrs Fisi'iahi.
Thursday, 30 July 2020
Hauora Challenge 2 Collabrative Working
L.I to try and make the 4 walls stand with paper.
In this DLO, Fau, Juel, Heavenly and I, had worked together collaborativly to make the 4 walls of paper stand. We had Collaborated and tried out options. We tried to find the most efficient strategy. This activity was fairly easy, as we talked and listened to others opinions. In this little Paragraph, I have wrote down what would happen if the walls fell.
Hauora Poster Explanation
L.I to explain the 4 walls of Hauora.
In this Poster seen, I have explained the 4 walls of Hauora using Canva. In this poster, I have explained the 4 walls. I have also added images to explain the main part of the walls. Here are the Results.
Wednesday, 29 July 2020
Making Connections to problem solving
L.I To Explore Problem solving through Tangrams.
In these images seen above, LS2, has worked together to create something called a Tangram. A Tangram is a Ancient Chinese Puzzle, which was likely known around the 1800's; and used to help out with boredom. We first started with an A4 paper and scissors. With nothing written down, we just listened, to follow the instructions, with the last pieces we had our first challenge was to make a square with those pices. At first it was very hard, but we worked together as one to collaborate, try out options, ask questions and tried our best. The main point of this was to listen and follow the instructions. It was also to hep us out with figuring out the main points of problem solving.
Problem Solving
Thursday, 23 July 2020
Adding and Subtracting Negitive Numbers | Maths Challenge
L.I To add and subtract positive and negitive numbers.
As Term 3 has started, we have now carried onto learning about Adding and Subtracting Negitive Numbers. LS2, had a practice round with trying out Negitive Numbers, and did very well. Mrs. Anderson had then set up 4 Megitive Number Word Problems for us to solve. In groups, Fau, Sakshi and I, had worked together to find the Answer for Question 4. Here Is the DLO.
The Sunrise | Writing no.2
L.I ot use your creativty to finish 10-5-7-10-10.

As seen down below, I have used my creativity in 35 minutes and 7 minutes to check my work. Mrs Anderson and the Class, had agreed to make some changes, as we felt that we needed to be more comfortable to plan and write our ideas. We had went from 5-7-10 to 10-5-7-10-10. In this image seen down below, we had used our skills to write from this image. Here are the results.

The Sunrise Climb
Finally, it’s my time. The Climb I have been waiting for is now here. Once I get to the top, I’ll see the breath-taking view, where I won’t be found, and my hard-work will now pay off. Climbing, as high as the Sun went along with me. Since the day i’ve started climbing, I've finally found my hobby. He sure will be jealous, and now I can get my money that he owed me. No one will be able to underestimate me now. I can’t wait for the results.
The warm colors wrap around me, and the sun glances throughout the rocks. My heart starts to tremble towards my feet and my legs seem to not work; but that won’t get in my way of completing this. The rocks, feeding of my hands, as I couldn’t climb, as long as I lived; Until I took the turn for the worst. Climbing the left direction wasn't a good idea. While my chest was just as similar as the sunset, I noticed my view from the bottom has started to fade from my eyes. “Ahhh! Oww!” I exclaim, as the rocks hit my eyes.
I’m guessing that one of my fingers had let go, just as my head did. I was eager for the money, that I didn’t even notice; I might risk my life for this. As I fell into a conscious hole, full of mindsets. Just a couple more steps, a couple more. With a whole rock coming outwards, blocking my space, to climb up to the bright side, I noticed I have been thinking about all of the negative things, of what “I can’t or “I won’t be able to do”. I thought to myself, “I don’t need to climb this whole mountain to achieve my goal, I have a whole life line for me.
Wednesday, 22 July 2020
Experimenting with Ultraviolet light
L.I To find the most efficient UV filter.
LS2 has been trialing the elctronic sensor for the Kiwiriuos Project. We are working with Sarenga, Sonya, Evan, Dawn and Yvona, from the Auckland University. I found that the sensor's could sense what the day was like was the most effective filter to keep Zally safe from the UV light. My DLO will show you how I did this.
Monday, 20 July 2020
Lightning never strikes twice, does it? | Writing
L.I To use 5 - 7 - 10 to write creatively.
As seen down below, I have used my creativity in 5 to 10 min doing this, which can be shown as 5 - 7 - 10. In pairs, I have collaborated with Fau to try and give my opinions on how she can make her writing better. She has also done the same for mine; where we spent 7 minutes giving each other feedback. This was a good activity, as we have come to the beginning of the term. This activity also had helped me with being creative. To do this activity, Mrs. Anderson had used an image and a beginner starter to our story/narrative. I had learnt from this to write creatively and to try to share my opinions on others work.

Lightning never strikes twice, does it?
That was the question that occupied their frightened minds as they crouched, huddling
together, next to the pile of dusty sacks in the base of the windmill.
Where we were forbidden to cross. As we could smell an unpleasant scent that occurred inside our nose, KAPOW! Our eyes were lifted towards the dash of light that crossed the field. As time flew by, it l wasn’t safe for us. Jason and I struck through the storm searching for Elizabeth and Jerry.
A Windmill also wasn’t a safe place for us to stay since it concluded electricity. This also wasn’t once a bolt of lightning I have ever seen. “It’s time to go now we should be safe!” Jason informed me. With an unsure face of mine, he grabbed me by the wrist; and we ran through the deadly lights. THAMP! BASH! BOOM!
Through our way out we get pulled into a bear trap full of trees. ZAP! BOOM! Trees trapped both ways into an unknown path leading into a mysterious Trail of footprints that seem to be unknown. Running as we follow this trail, that leads to an unknown house. It was at least half a kilometer away from the house.
We were also in the open which exposed the lighting to Jason. I didn’t turn back thinking that it was just a small tree that had fallen. The question that occupied my mind was “Are we gonna make it out of this alive? Am I gonna live?”. As I made it through the natural disaster; turning around thinking that
As I walked through the doors of this unknown house, therefore beings stood beyond me. “Elizabeth! Jerry!” Exclaiming in relief. Relieved to see that they were still alive and Quickly went outside to see Jason outside of the front door.
Thursday, 2 July 2020
Navigating by the Stars | 5 Matariki Challenge
L.I to learn more about the navigation of Matariki.

As apart of completing my 5 Matariki Challenges; Fau, Juel, Vayan and I, had worked togehter tho complete this. In this DLO we reasearched the Navigating by the stars, including the Moon, Stars and the Sun.
Opstical Illusion | Inquiry
L.I to understand the meaning of a Opsticla Illusion.

Mr. Johnston came into LS2 to come and teach us about Optical Illusions. One of the most famous examples can be shown in this DLO. One of the most famous artist, know for their amazing Optical Illusion was M C Escher. O
3 birds | Matariki 4 Challenge
L.I to create describe the 3 birds that are included in the Matariki Harvest.
As apart of completing my 5 Matariki Blog Post's; Juel, Fau, Vayan and I, had wokred ollaborativly to complet our fourth DLO. In this DLO we have included the 3 birds that hvae partcipated in the Matariki harvest. The three birds Kereru, Tui and Common Myna. 3
What is Matariki? | Matarik Challenge 3
L.I to learn what Matariki is and why its Celabrated.

As apart of completing the 5 Matariki Maori Challenge's; Juel, Fau, Vayan and I, have worked collaborativly together, to find out the meaning of what Matariki is. Throughout Aotearoa, for many years, during late May and early June, The Matariki Stars will appear. It can also been know as a cluster of stars known as the 7 sisters Here are the Results.
Harvesting | Matariki Challenge 2
L.I to create a DLO explaining how people Harvest food to celabrate Matariki.

Apart of completing one of the 5 Matariki Challenges, i have now completed two DLO's. THis DLO is showcasing the equitment that is needed for Harvesting food, in the Maori Tradition. This includes three main equitment known as: Ko, Timo and Kaheru. I had worked with Juel on this task as apart of Collaboration. We got this information from
Wednesday, 1 July 2020
Optical Illusion | Inquiry Light & Sound
L.I to identify what an optical illusion is.

As apart of learning what light and sound is, one science genius, Mr. Johnston, had taught LS2 about an optical illusion. An optical Illusion, can be identified as in something that deceives the eye. As apart of learning this, we had done a small little science experiment with two cardboard,cut out circles and a pencil. On one-side, we had drew a fish, and on the other, we drew a fish bowl, full of water. We taped this to each-side of the pencil facing outwards. As we spun this around, you could start to see the fish in the water.
Matariki Drawing Star Constellation | 1 Te Reo Maori Challenge
L.I to celebrate the Matariki stars.

As apart of celabrating and accomplishing my #1,Matariki Maori Challenge, I have created my own version of the Matariki Constellation. In this Constellation, I have named and added as much detail as I could. Here is the Results of the Challenge.
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