
Monday, 14 December 2020

Treasure Hunt with Nano-Girl 1 | Summer Learning Journey

 L.I To collect the resources needed to create our Superpower experiment.

Panmure Bridge School, had the opportunity to compete in the Summer Learning Journey. SLJ is a organisation that encourages younger students to keep their learning going, by doing assigned activities, with themes behind them. SLJ has been running for over 5 years, and this is the 6th year currently. 

In this SLJ activity, the Nano-girl had asked us to collect these items that she had listed in her video. I really liked the fact that she explained that these are items that most people would view as rubbish. Some materials we couldn't get, as they were in school-groups, which we just replaced them with things that are at the same use. These materials were created to prepare for tomorrow . Here are the Results. 


  1. Greetings Sulia,

    Your blog post was amazing. Its really detailed and well explained. I like how you have included what nanogirl explained and what you did as well, because it helps the reader understand what is happening. Your screencastify was well done as well. For me the best part was making the video because we could share our opinions and leanings. What was your most interesting part in this activity?

    Good Job and keep up the great work!

    1. Malo e Lelei Sakshi,

      Thank you so much for the reply! I really appreciate your feedback. I am glad that my video and explanation to great quality by the looks of it.I think the most interesting part for me was when we needed to improvise, to replace items the were not at school.

      What do you think we will be making with these supplies?

      Thank you!

    2. Hi Sulia,

      Thank you for answering my question. I agree, that was really an important part of the activity for me as well, because we are learning how to handle a situation. With the equipments we have right now, we can make several designs. I first think of making a scale by using the string to balance different weights. On the other hand we can make a catapult by using the spatula as a thrower. But we can also make a superhero telescope as said by many people. What do you think you might find challenging in the future when doing this activity?

      Keep up the great work! I am looking forward for your reply.

    3. Kia Ora Sakshi,

      Thank you for taking the time to reply to me! I also think the same as you, because I believe that we might create a catapult. I think in the future I might find Math challenges pretty hard as I am not as good at math than most others, but I will try my best.

      What SLJ activity do you think you might do very well in?

      Hoping to seeing more from you Sakshi!

    4. Kia ora Sulia,

      Thank you for answering my question again. I didn't think of that. I agree now, it would be so hard to do the maths while making a catapult as we might need to see the angles, force and pressure at the same time. The big part it is that it is not just maths, but physics as well.

      Till now I think that I really did good in the insect art because I think the outcome was good and much better than I expected. Do you think we will need any more supplies to complete this activity? It was really nice talking to you through out this comment thread!

      I am looking forward for your reply.

  2. Hey Sulia!

    It's me Finau and I go to Pt England School. That's cool how you you are doing the Summer Learning Journey. I'm doing it as well. I like the first activity you picked to do. I really like Nanogirl because she does a lot of science experiments that you can do at home. I did lots of them. I liked how you showed the things you need for the experiment. Keep up the great work Sulia!

    From Finau:)

    1. Hey Finau,

      Thank you so much for the Feedback, I really appreciate it! I also like Nanogirl. She has showed us to do lots of cool science experiments.

      What was the easiest and Hardest part of this challenge?

      Thank you!

    2. Hey Sulia,
      I thought that the Xylophone experiment was the easiest one and the hardest one was the Sundial and Super Column experiment.

  3. Greetings Fiona,

    Sorry for the late reply! Thank you so much for the bonus points!

    With these materials, I would of thought that we would be making anything that had come to our head, but we would have to try to do as much as we could.

    What do you think the aim of this activity was meant to be?

    Looking forward to your reply!
