L.I to summarise and retail a text.
Today I have decided to do SSR Selfie. SSR Selfie is a slide where you can talk about a book that you have read. The Story book that I have read today is Picture This Human Body. This talks about all the things that happen in the human body. You can read this slide to learn more about the book.
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Mrs Anderson and Mrs Fisi'iahi.
Friday, 30 August 2019
L.I to give honest feedback on somebody's blog.
Today I have decided to do Commenting. Today I have commented on Bella J. this blogpost was about describing things.
Today I have decided to do Commenting. Today I have commented on Bella J. this blogpost was about describing things.
Basic Facts Boxes
L.I to remember basic facts.
Today I have decided to do basic facts boxes. Basic Facts Boxes is a google spreadsheet with a bunch of subtraction, addition, multiplication, division. There are also two challenges. One is the Speed demon challenge and the second is the Brain box. I have done the Speed Demon which is when you time how long you take.
Today I have decided to do basic facts boxes. Basic Facts Boxes is a google spreadsheet with a bunch of subtraction, addition, multiplication, division. There are also two challenges. One is the Speed demon challenge and the second is the Brain box. I have done the Speed Demon which is when you time how long you take.
Thursday, 29 August 2019
Netball Interschools | Sports
On Wednesday From Yr 5 - 8 Seniors Panmure Bridge had an awesome experience at AMI Netball courts for the Netball Inter schools.
Our First Game was against Panama Rd. We had Won with the scores of 4 - 1. I think that in this game we had used great communication. I think that we should of worked on the basic things because we were mostly getting called for that.
Second game we had battled Glen Brae. We had lost with the score of 12 - 0. I think we had done well with our passing. I think that we should of worked on communication.
Third game was against Bailey Road. We had won with the score of 9 - 2. We had done great with our positions and with our passing. We should have worked on our shooting and defending.
Our Fourth game was against Silver park. We had also won this game with the score of 9 - 1. I think that we had done everything well.
Last game was against Tamaki Primary. This was a good game because we had won with the score of 8 - 7. These score were Mixed Up.
Swimming | Kiwisport
L.I to learn how to swim without touching the floor.
For kiwi Sport we have been doing Swimming. We had first done streamlines. When you do streamlines you have to put your two hands together above of us and push yourself into the water. Next thing we had done was swimming and rolling over into a backstroke. Next we had done free-styling, but the goal was to not touch the floor. We had done this a couple of times. Then we had done dolphin dives and still tried not to touch the floor. Lastly we had to find these little toys that James threw.
For kiwi Sport we have been doing Swimming. We had first done streamlines. When you do streamlines you have to put your two hands together above of us and push yourself into the water. Next thing we had done was swimming and rolling over into a backstroke. Next we had done free-styling, but the goal was to not touch the floor. We had done this a couple of times. Then we had done dolphin dives and still tried not to touch the floor. Lastly we had to find these little toys that James threw.
Kiwi Sport
Proportion Facts Game | Maths
In Proportion means when two ratio or fractions are equivalent to each other. Proportion means the amount two ratio or fractions are equivalent by. Fau and I have created a game. This games is about Proportion Facts. Proportion facts is facts about proportions.
This Game is still W.I.P
Questioning | Reading
L.I to identify the main idea in a text.
QAR means Question-Answer & Relationship. This includes Right There, Think and Search, Author and You, On my own. Each Group got an article. My group's article was about Too Much Technology. We also had to use synthesis. We also had to answer some questions on the QAR google draw. Next we had to make a FlipGrid.
Advertising | Writing
L.I to learn about persuasive tools in advertising.
Advertising is doing something to sell a product or service. Advertising includes Service, Demographic, Target Audience and a Message. We had to answer questions about static images. Static images are visual images that don't move. We had to answer questions of who would be interested in it and others. You can find out more information in this slide.
Wednesday, 28 August 2019
Pulley | Inquiry
L.I to learn what a pulley is.
A Pulley is a rope and a wheel. Together they can lift, lower or transport objects or a person. we have answered a couple of questions on this document. We had done this in groups. We had also done an activity. This activity included two sticks and one rope. What we had to do was there was one person holding the stick horizontally and we had put loops over them to push them in our way.
Friday, 23 August 2019
L.I to give honest feedback on somebody's blog.
Today I have commented on Zepplins blog about perimeter
Today I have commented on Zepplins blog about perimeter
Basic Facts Boxes
L.I to remember basic math facts.
Today I have decided to do Basic Facts boxes. I have done the speed demon challenge. I have done this up to 20 subtraction. My time was 3 minutes and 28 seconds.
Today I have decided to do Basic Facts boxes. I have done the speed demon challenge. I have done this up to 20 subtraction. My time was 3 minutes and 28 seconds.
Kiwi Sport
L.I to learn the safety of swimming.
For Kiwi Sport Swimming this week we have been learning the safety of swimming. James our Instructors had told us to get into Partners. My partner was Fau. One partner had to lay down against the wall with a noodle trying to save our partner. We got a turn each. After this we had done duck diving for these little toys. Duck Diving is diving down into the water but not touching the floor.
For Kiwi Sport Swimming this week we have been learning the safety of swimming. James our Instructors had told us to get into Partners. My partner was Fau. One partner had to lay down against the wall with a noodle trying to save our partner. We got a turn each. After this we had done duck diving for these little toys. Duck Diving is diving down into the water but not touching the floor.
Kiwi Sport
SSR Selfie
L.I to summarise and retell a text.
Today I have decided to do SSR Selfie.SSR Selfie is when you retell a book that you have been reading on a slide. The Book that I have read about was Animals Surviving in Extreme Environments. this is a Nonfiction book. I have learnt about a lot of new animals like an OLM. Its lifespan is up to 60 or 100.
Today I have decided to do SSR Selfie.SSR Selfie is when you retell a book that you have been reading on a slide. The Book that I have read about was Animals Surviving in Extreme Environments. this is a Nonfiction book. I have learnt about a lot of new animals like an OLM. Its lifespan is up to 60 or 100.
Wednesday, 21 August 2019
Proportion Word Problems | Maths
L.I to understand a range of proportions.
In Proportion means when two ratio or fractions are equivalent to each other. Proportion means the amount two ratio or fractions are equivalent by. It could be a whole number or a fraction. Fau and I have created a game about Proportion Word Problems.
Kiwi can
L.I to
Our theme for Kiwi can is Resilience and our Topic is self-control. Self-control means to control your emotions. Resilience means coping with challenges and bouncing back. Mrs Paige and and Mrs Mac was our Kiwi Can teachers for today.
Our Energiser was rats and Rabbits. So for this energiser we had to get into partners in our four lines. Mrs Paige had put two lines as the rats and two as the rabbits, I was a rabbit. Mrs Mac had put down cones in between of us and when she had said Rabbits or rats, we had to grab the cone.
Our Activity was four challenges. In our four lines Mrs Mac had sent us to a corner where there was a piece of paper with a challenge on it.
Our first challenge was to recreate the kiwi cna catch phrase which was " Kiwi can says: Control yourself, don't shout, over and out,". The second challenge was writing the alphabet backwards.
The Third Challenge was the fitness challenge. We had to do five burbes, squats, push ups and sit ups. The last challenge was matching the Maori and english colors. The think that was hard about these challenges was the time limit because we only had a minute to do these challenges.
I had enjoyed Kiwi can and the challenges that we had done.
Print Design Rules | Cybersmart
L.I to apply the print design rules.
This week for Cybersmart we have learnt about print design rules. the four rules are Color, Composition, Text and layout. We had to fix these posters.
This week for Cybersmart we have learnt about print design rules. the four rules are Color, Composition, Text and layout. We had to fix these posters.
Tuesday, 20 August 2019
Incline plane | Inquiry
L.I to learn about what a incline plane is and how it works.
An Inclined plane is An Inclined Plane is a ramp that assists with moving objects up and/or down, it is in a horizontal angle/surface. One end of an Inclined Plane is lower than the other. Bella and I have tested incline plane with toy cars. There were two challenges.
Challenge 1: For the first challenge we had to move the cars to different ramps made out of cardboard.
Challenge 2: For the Second challenge we had to try to make the toy cars to keep on going smoothly.
Speech Finals
Today we had speech finals. From Tamaki College Mr Stevenson came in to score our speeches. The speech finalist had sit up in the front of the school. There were 12 people from each class competing including. The age level was from 5 - 12 yrs old. Their were poems and speeches. My favourite poem was from Macaela because she was confident enough to speak. Micaela's poem was about Humpty Dumpty. My favourite speech was Mele's. I liked Mele's speech because she spoke with enthusiasm and confidence.
Monday, 19 August 2019
Ihumatao | Reading
L.I to identify the main idea in the text.
For Reading we have been learning about the Ihumatao. On a slide we had typed down our thoughts on Ihumatao and which side we are on. I am with SOUL because the land is historical and their is no point for flechters to build houses on the land if not that much people can afford it. You can read this slide to know about my thoughts on this situation.
For Reading we have been learning about the Ihumatao. On a slide we had typed down our thoughts on Ihumatao and which side we are on. I am with SOUL because the land is historical and their is no point for flechters to build houses on the land if not that much people can afford it. You can read this slide to know about my thoughts on this situation.
Friday, 16 August 2019
SSR Selfie
Today I have decided to do SSR Selfie. The Book that I have got was the Roman World.
L.I to give honest feedback.
Today I have decided to comment on somebody's blog. I have commented on Zepplins blog. His blog post was about his persuasive speech.
Today I have decided to comment on somebody's blog. I have commented on Zepplins blog. His blog post was about his persuasive speech.
Basic Facts
L.I to remember basic math facts.
Today I have completed my Basic Facts Boxes. I have done the Speed Demon Challenge. I have done this up to twenty. Here is the proof.
Today I have completed my Basic Facts Boxes. I have done the Speed Demon Challenge. I have done this up to twenty. Here is the proof.
Swimming | Kiwi Sport

L.I to learn how to swim.
This week was week four for our swimming. We first down streamlines, to breath we turn on our backs. Then we done dolphin kicks and dolphin dives. Then we had learnt how to do survival strokes. For the survival strokes we had to float on our back and tuck our legs in, open that up then kick them together. Then we were swimming on our back poking our stomachs out to float and kick.
Kiwi Sport
Persuasive speech | Writing
L.I to create a Persuasive speech.
Mr Ogilvies writing groups had created speeches. My topic is Is Technology Something we Should Be Worried about In the Future. We had to compete against each other to speak in front of the whole school. Mr Ogilvie had rated my speech 38.5/50. After the ratings we had to answer some questions.
Mr Ogilvies writing groups had created speeches. My topic is Is Technology Something we Should Be Worried about In the Future. We had to compete against each other to speak in front of the whole school. Mr Ogilvie had rated my speech 38.5/50. After the ratings we had to answer some questions.
Wheel Axle, Lever | Inquiry
`L.I to learn about wheel and axles and levers.
For inquiry we had learnt about Wheel, Axles and levers. A wheel is a circular object that makes an object move and change direction. An axel is an object that holds the wheels in form. A lever is a long rigid body with fulcrum along its length. It rests on a pivot. We had created a lever using a stick . The goal was to lift up something easily. Our other activity was making a windmill using a straw as the axle and paper as the wheels.
Ratio problems | Math
L.I to learn how to solve ratio problems.
A ratio is a comparison of the amount of two things or more. Fau and I have created a quiz about Ratio Problems. In this quiz there are 15 questions. in some of them there will be two answers right. Take the quiz to test your ratio skills.
A ratio is a comparison of the amount of two things or more. Fau and I have created a quiz about Ratio Problems. In this quiz there are 15 questions. in some of them there will be two answers right. Take the quiz to test your ratio skills.
Point Of View Ihumatao | Reading
L.I to identify the main idea in text.
The Ihumatao protest is SOUL(Save, Our, Unique, Landscape) protecting the Ihumatao land from fletchers building houses on the land. For reading we had to read articles and write down what the point of view. We also had to write down our thoughts on the article.
Thursday, 15 August 2019
Self-Control | Kiwi Can
L.I to show Self-Discipline and self-control.
Our theme for Kiwi can is Resilience and our Topic is self-control. Self-control means to control your emotions. Resilience means coping with challenges and bouncing back. Our Energiser was called Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes. When Mr Latu( our kiwi can) says toes we have to grab the cone. Our activity was a role-play's.
Our theme for Kiwi can is Resilience and our Topic is self-control. Self-control means to control your emotions. Resilience means coping with challenges and bouncing back. Our Energiser was called Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes. When Mr Latu( our kiwi can) says toes we have to grab the cone. Our activity was a role-play's.
Wednesday, 14 August 2019
Print Design Rules | Cybersmart
L.I to identify the four areas of print design.
I have learnt about Print Design rules. The print design rules are Composition, Layout, Color and Text. We had to organize slides around if we thought the font didn't make sense, we couldn't understand the words because of the color or if the layout wasn't good. We also had to give it a thumbs up or down.
Friday, 9 August 2019
Adding and Subtraction fraction word problems | math
L.I to learn how to add and subtract fractions.
L.I to manage finances and profit by creating maths tasks.
Fau, Siale and I have learned about how to add and subtract fractions. We had created a game using google slides. We had also used some guiding questions to help whoever is playing this game.
L.I to manage finances and profit by creating maths tasks.
Fau, Siale and I have learned about how to add and subtract fractions. We had created a game using google slides. We had also used some guiding questions to help whoever is playing this game.
Rube Goldberg | Inquiry
L.I to learn about the man behind the machine.
For Inquiry we are learning about STEAM. This week we had learnt about Rube Goldberg. Rube Goldberg is a American Cartoonist, Sculptor, Engineer. We had created a slide of Rube Goldberg. We had also made a simple machine using our bodys to open the door.
For Inquiry we are learning about STEAM. This week we had learnt about Rube Goldberg. Rube Goldberg is a American Cartoonist, Sculptor, Engineer. We had created a slide of Rube Goldberg. We had also made a simple machine using our bodys to open the door.
The Lion King Jr Performance
Mr Ogilvies reading groups had an went to Ormiston Junior College to watch them play The Lion King. We had watched it the first time that they have ever performed it in front people. Big Thanks to Ryan the director for making this and providing everything. My favourite Characters were Rafiki, Scar and Simba.
Thursday, 8 August 2019
Swimming | Kiwi Sport

L.I to learn the basics of swimming.
For Kiwi Sport(swimming) we have been learning different types of techniques for swimming. We had worked on pointing our feet as we kick(to make us go faster). We had also swam in circles in a streamline. We also had learnt how to swim with the boards. He had made a chain by holding each others hands and floating on the noodles. At the end we had played a game of Shark Attack.
Kiwi Sport
Wednesday, 7 August 2019
Ihumatao Timeline | Reading
L.I To Identify the main ideas in a text.
We had carried on working on the Ihumatao protest and started working on a timeline. The first time they had started this protest was in the 1863 and is still going on. We had did this in our groups.
What is Ihumatao Protest? People are protesting against a construction company called Fletcher's, building over 400 buildings on Ihumatao. The reason they are protesting against this, is because Ihumatao has a lot of historical meanings.
We had carried on working on the Ihumatao protest and started working on a timeline. The first time they had started this protest was in the 1863 and is still going on. We had did this in our groups.
What is Ihumatao Protest? People are protesting against a construction company called Fletcher's, building over 400 buildings on Ihumatao. The reason they are protesting against this, is because Ihumatao has a lot of historical meanings.
Understanding Emotions | Kiwi Can
L.I to learn how to understand emotions.
In Kiwi Can our theme is Resilience. Resilience means coping back with challenges and never giving up. Our topic is Understanding Emotions. Our Energiser was Emotion Intensity. Mrs Mac had handed us a card with different emotions. With those cards we had to find some people with the same meaning as your emotion on your card. My card Emotion was Annoyed. For our activity, we had to get into a group of four, once we had got in a group of four, Mrs Mac had handed us cards with sentences on them. With those cards we had to act them out.
In Kiwi Can our theme is Resilience. Resilience means coping back with challenges and never giving up. Our topic is Understanding Emotions. Our Energiser was Emotion Intensity. Mrs Mac had handed us a card with different emotions. With those cards we had to find some people with the same meaning as your emotion on your card. My card Emotion was Annoyed. For our activity, we had to get into a group of four, once we had got in a group of four, Mrs Mac had handed us cards with sentences on them. With those cards we had to act them out.
Friday, 2 August 2019
Expressing our emotions
L.I to learn how to express your emotions.
Today for kiwi can our topic is emotions and our theme was resilience. We were focusing on our topic and theme to earn point. Our activity was called charades. We got a piece of paper and we had to act it out using our emotion and actions. And our energizer was called how do you feel we had to do a bunch of challenges. Ihumatao | Reading
L.I to learn about what happened at Ihumatao.
In Reading we are learning about what is happening down in Ihumatao. On this slide show, we had to use our prior knowledge about what we already know about Ihumatao. We also had to type down the relationships, what those words mean and what do we think those words mean.
In Reading we are learning about what is happening down in Ihumatao. On this slide show, we had to use our prior knowledge about what we already know about Ihumatao. We also had to type down the relationships, what those words mean and what do we think those words mean.
Thursday, 1 August 2019
Swimming Kiwi sport
L.I To learn swimming safety.
LS1 Group B had went to the Panmure Basin Pools to learn skills about swimming. My swimming instructor for this week is Livvy. We had learnt how to float on our backs, will doing this we had to make a T shape. After this we had done a couple of streamlines back and forth. 

Kiwi Sport
Fraction's of Sets | Maths WIP
L.I to learn fractions of sets.
We have learn what fractions of sets are in math's. An example of fraction's of sets are: What Is 3/4 of 16. The first step is to find out what 1(one) is. 1/4 of 16 is 4. The next step is to multiply 4 x 3 which equals 12. Your answer is 12. Fau, Siale and I have created a game about Fractions of set.
We have learn what fractions of sets are in math's. An example of fraction's of sets are: What Is 3/4 of 16. The first step is to find out what 1(one) is. 1/4 of 16 is 4. The next step is to multiply 4 x 3 which equals 12. Your answer is 12. Fau, Siale and I have created a game about Fractions of set.
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