Today I have completed my Basic Facts Boxes. I have done the Speed Demon Challenge. I have done this up to ten. Here is the proof.
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Mrs Anderson and Mrs Fisi'iahi.
Friday, 31 May 2019
L.I to give honest feedback on someone's blogspot.
Today I have decided to do Commenting. The person that I have chose to comment on is Bella. This blogpost was about Space for her inquiry. Here is a Screenshot for proof.
Today I have decided to do Commenting. The person that I have chose to comment on is Bella. This blogpost was about Space for her inquiry. Here is a Screenshot for proof.
Exploring Thailand | SSR Selfie
L.I to summarise a text.
Today I have done my SSR Selfie. SSR Selfie is a slide where you can talk about your book. The Book I have chosen is Thailand. This book is about what Thailand is about.
Today I have done my SSR Selfie. SSR Selfie is a slide where you can talk about your book. The Book I have chosen is Thailand. This book is about what Thailand is about.
Gymnastics | Kiwi Sport
L.I To learn how to do gymnastics.
For this term of kiwi sport we have been learning how to do gymnastics. Our Coach Steve had divided us into three groups. There was also three stations so each group took a turn at each station.
We had also done stretches like Butterfly, Seal shape, straddle and cat shape to warm up. We played a game called stuck in the mud where when the taggers tag you, you have to stay still as if you were stuck in the mud.
First rotation: The first thing that I had started of was with the board. We had to jump onto the bored and land straight with our arms horizontally straight in the air. The next thing we did was the trampoline. I had to jump onto the trampoline that goes to the stage and land on a big comfy mat with our hands in the hair vertically. We then had to do a forward roll on the mat. if we had mastered that we could jump onto the trampoline with our hands on the edge of the stage and do a forward roll. We then jumped off the stage onto the next part which is where we had to do a backwards roll. When we had mastered that we had to do a backwards roll on the floor. After this we had to do the candle shape which is where you lift your bum off the floor and you hold your back with your hands. Lastly we had to do two handstands.
Second rotation: The first thing we did in the second rotation was the handstand on the wall. Second was the bars, we had to lift our legs off the bar and then but it back at the bar. Next we had to put our legs on a square cube and push our back down. Next was the back support.
Third rotation: The first thing that I had done on the third rotation was the beam. When we had gotten into the middle of the beam we had to jump. next we done a cartwheel on a blue line. After this we had to forward roll of the stage on the the bench where we had to do bunny hops over the bench. Lastly we had to forward roll on the beam which has a mat in it.
For this term of kiwi sport we have been learning how to do gymnastics. Our Coach Steve had divided us into three groups. There was also three stations so each group took a turn at each station.
We had also done stretches like Butterfly, Seal shape, straddle and cat shape to warm up. We played a game called stuck in the mud where when the taggers tag you, you have to stay still as if you were stuck in the mud.
First rotation: The first thing that I had started of was with the board. We had to jump onto the bored and land straight with our arms horizontally straight in the air. The next thing we did was the trampoline. I had to jump onto the trampoline that goes to the stage and land on a big comfy mat with our hands in the hair vertically. We then had to do a forward roll on the mat. if we had mastered that we could jump onto the trampoline with our hands on the edge of the stage and do a forward roll. We then jumped off the stage onto the next part which is where we had to do a backwards roll. When we had mastered that we had to do a backwards roll on the floor. After this we had to do the candle shape which is where you lift your bum off the floor and you hold your back with your hands. Lastly we had to do two handstands.
Second rotation: The first thing we did in the second rotation was the handstand on the wall. Second was the bars, we had to lift our legs off the bar and then but it back at the bar. Next we had to put our legs on a square cube and push our back down. Next was the back support.
Third rotation: The first thing that I had done on the third rotation was the beam. When we had gotten into the middle of the beam we had to jump. next we done a cartwheel on a blue line. After this we had to forward roll of the stage on the the bench where we had to do bunny hops over the bench. Lastly we had to forward roll on the beam which has a mat in it.
Kiwi Sport
L.I to collaborate with someone into doing a task.
Collaboration means working with someone(positive or negative) equally to finish a task. We had made a meme that was about collaboration. We also had to have a role each because that is what collaboration is. When you are collaborating it is best to use formal language. to do The person that I have collaborated with on this task is Liletina.
Collaboration means working with someone(positive or negative) equally to finish a task. We had made a meme that was about collaboration. We also had to have a role each because that is what collaboration is. When you are collaborating it is best to use formal language. to do The person that I have collaborated with on this task is Liletina.
Reflection | Reading
L.I to build expression.
Reflection is looking back at the things that you have done. This Tuesday, we had done our performance for the act named 'Kebabs'.
What did you enjoy the most?
I enjoyed collaborating with my teammates into doing this act and it was just fun to laugh when they made mistakes.
What was the most difficult part?
The most difficult part of this act was the expressions we had to use and remembering our lines.
What would you change in the future?
In the future I would like to change the way I use my expressions.
Do you think your oral language improved?
Yes I think it has improved a lot.
What things would help, if your teacher did them?
I think expressions.
Reflection is looking back at the things that you have done. This Tuesday, we had done our performance for the act named 'Kebabs'.
What did you enjoy the most?
I enjoyed collaborating with my teammates into doing this act and it was just fun to laugh when they made mistakes.
What was the most difficult part?
The most difficult part of this act was the expressions we had to use and remembering our lines.
What would you change in the future?
In the future I would like to change the way I use my expressions.
Do you think your oral language improved?
Yes I think it has improved a lot.
What things would help, if your teacher did them?
I think expressions.
Capacity | Maths
L.I to measure the capacities of containers.
Capacity means the how much something can hold. In our group we had measured containers to see the capacities of them. We caught some of the company's lying because they usually fill it up below the bottle cap we filled the bottle up to the top and it said 250 ml as what the bottle said. After this activity we had got onto the word problems that we had done on paper with our groups. They can be seen on this slide.

Capacity means the how much something can hold. In our group we had measured containers to see the capacities of them. We caught some of the company's lying because they usually fill it up below the bottle cap we filled the bottle up to the top and it said 250 ml as what the bottle said. After this activity we had got onto the word problems that we had done on paper with our groups. They can be seen on this slide.

Thursday, 30 May 2019
Explanation VS Procedure | Writing
L.I To use key vocab to unlock Sentence and text structure.
Explanation means a statement that is described as a fact which clarifies causes and context of facts. A procedure is steps to doing something or making something. Me And Fau had made a document of an explanation's of what Learn, Create, Share is and we also made a procedure of how to do Learn Create,Share. Here is the document.
Tuesday, 28 May 2019
Collaborated Earth and Beyond | Inquiry
Today Me,Suila and Leon collaborated by completing a Bus stop activity to activate our prior Knowledge which is what we already know about a certain topic. We were to complete each slide as quickly as we can because each slide had a time limit of 2 minutes. For the first minuet we were not allowed to talk but we were to add our facts on what we knew about space. We then got to watch a video to help us bring more knowledge on space. This was all to build on our knowledge.
Friday, 24 May 2019
SSR Selfie.
L.I to summarise and retell a text.
Today I have decided to do SSR Selfie. The book I have got was sumrai
Today I have decided to do SSR Selfie. The book I have got was sumrai
Gymnastics | Kiwi Sport
L.I to learn gymnastics.
For gymnastics we did the same set up as last week. The only thing that coach steve had changed was was the order of it. He also made it harder. So like for the beam we had to jump on it. For the back roll we had to put our hands on the mat as if e were holding two pizza's.
I enjoyed this weeks gymnastics because it was more challenging.
Kiwi Sport
L.I to give honest feedback on someone's blogspot.
Today I have commented on RJ's blog post about Number lines.
Today I have commented on RJ's blog post about Number lines.
Volume | Math
L.I to identify what volume is.
Volume is the space that an object or someone takes up. This Poster can show you what volume means. I had also tested out volume with some math equipment in this slide. There were 8 different objects we had to find out the volume of.
How Chocolate is made? | Writing
L.I to plan and Write an Explanation.
An explanation tells how something works and why it does what it does. I had made a poster of images showing the ways and steps of how the company makes chocolate.
Space travel | Inquiry
L.I to understand what is needed for space.
We did a space project on straw rockets where we had to create three rockets with different materials fins. The materials that my group used was plates, paper and Cups. When all the straw rockets were finished we had to test them on a pick tape that Mr Ogilvie had measured my metres. All of there flights were all recorded in this slide.
Panmure Bridge School had an awesome opportunity, to go to the stardome to learn about space. Our instructor Stella took us to the theatre. We learnt all about the closest planets to the sun. The closest planet to the sun is Mercury. I also learnt that Mars has a lake of water so they might travel people to mars. The next thing we had done was a quiz hunt. Each group was given and Ipad that had seven questions. My group got five out of seven. The next thing that we had done was go to the Planetarium. We watched a film talking about the what it's like in space and the weather it is in the planets.
I have enjoyed this trip to the Stardome because I got to learn about all different thing there and I hope to come back another day.
I have enjoyed this trip to the Stardome because I got to learn about all different thing there and I hope to come back another day.
L.I to learn more about the expressions our character uses.
I had made a flipgrid showing my character and what the play is about. Our play is about when a kebab seller is being greedy and bribing people to get money. I play the kabab seller. Play this video to see the expressions I will use in the play.
Thursday, 23 May 2019
Informal and Formal language | Cybersmart
L.I to identify what informal and formal language is.
Informal language means more of casual speak. Formal means talking probaly with manners. We had to write down the informal and formal ways of saying the sentence. This helps us when we are makeing a comment.
Wednesday, 22 May 2019
Maori | Patupaiarehe
L.I to identify what patupaiarehe is.
L.I to learn about the legends of the three kete's.
Whaia Odie showed us a video about how there was light. There were three kete's one with stars, one with the sun and one with the moon. Tane wanted to make a pattern with the stars so he started and was happy with what he started of with so he performed a haka. He settled down the three kete's by his feet and while he was doing his haka he kicked the stars over to create what it looks like know. The world was still dark so he thought that he would put in the moon. It still remained dark. So then he decided to get the sun. Light came upon from the sky's and there was light.
Patupaiarehe is fairies that live in the forests shadows when there is light. They can be explained in this slide. I had edited this slide to make sure it made sense.
Responsibility & Honesty | Kiwi Can
L.I Doing things without being asked.
Our topic for Kiwi Can is Responsibility. Responsibility means to be Responsible for your own actions. Our theme is Honesty. Honesty means to be truthful.
Catchphrase: Kiwi Can Says: Responsible is what I am and that's the way of Kiwi Can.
Activity: For our activity there were five skipping ropes that had a big hole in it. In that hole we had to put a ball inside of it and our group had to hold the handle's of the ropes and pull it to the window. We also had another round where we had to do activity's while doing the activity. This was hard because one of the activity's was to jump on two feet. We failed that task but it was fun because it was funny to see people jump when they were holding the rope. This activity helped us with responsibility because we had to be responsible for our own role.
I enjoyed this weeks kiwi can because the activity helped me with knowing what responsibility means.
Our topic for Kiwi Can is Responsibility. Responsibility means to be Responsible for your own actions. Our theme is Honesty. Honesty means to be truthful.
Catchphrase: Kiwi Can Says: Responsible is what I am and that's the way of Kiwi Can.
Activity: For our activity there were five skipping ropes that had a big hole in it. In that hole we had to put a ball inside of it and our group had to hold the handle's of the ropes and pull it to the window. We also had another round where we had to do activity's while doing the activity. This was hard because one of the activity's was to jump on two feet. We failed that task but it was fun because it was funny to see people jump when they were holding the rope. This activity helped us with responsibility because we had to be responsible for our own role.
I enjoyed this weeks kiwi can because the activity helped me with knowing what responsibility means.
Tuesday, 21 May 2019
Basic Facts boxes | Can do
L.I to remember basic maths facts.
Today I have decided to do A most commonly known Can Do. This can do is Basic Facts Boxes. Basic facts boxes is where you have a google spreadsheet full with basic facts from 5 to 100.There are also two challenges that you can choose from they are Speed demon and Brain box. They can be explained in this slide. I have chosen to do this up to 20. All the information is on this slide.
Friday, 17 May 2019
Basic Facts boxes | Can do
Today I have decided to do Basic Facts Boxes. The challenge that I have done was Brain Box. Here is the slide with the proof.
SSR Selfie | Exploring the Moon
L.I to summarise and retell a text.
Today I have decided to do SSR Selfie. The book that I have chosen to share is Exploring the Moon. This book is about facts and information about the moon. This slide can explain what the book is about
Commenting | Cybersmart
for this weeks cybersmart I have focused on smart commenting. Things that are included in smart commenting is A greeting( Also a goodbye), Something you like about their blog post, A question and a connection . I have chosen to comment on Kruses blog post about is play. He blogged two slides. I have also done this task.
Types of forces | Inquiry
L.I to identify what the third newton law is.
This slide is about The third newton law. The third newton law is two forces. the two forces are reaction and action force. These forces can be explained on the first two slides. The force that I have written down in this slide was gravity force. It can also be explained in this slide with more different forces.
Math | Subtraction and Addition
L.I to practice and figure out addition and subtraction.
I have learnt how to solve word problems for maths. There were seven different questions in total that I have done. An agent number is what makes the word problem into a problem. We had also used Strategies. These strategies are Compensating, Adding In parts, Place Value Adding and Standard Algorithm. I used a whiteboard and marks to do the pictures and used paper and pencils to work out the questions.
Thursday, 16 May 2019
Cause & Effect | Writing
L.I to learn about cause and effect.
Mr O's Writing groups learnt about cause and effect. Cause is mean the problem and Effect is like the solution for it. We had to make a slide to show some causes and effects that we have in LS1. we also have some casual languages in the middle of them so they can make sense. Here is our slide.
Gymnastics | Kiwi Sport
L.I to develop body movement of balance, Rotation and Strength.
For Kiwi Sport Gymnastic, we had first got into our stretches. those are:
For Kiwi Sport Gymnastic, we had first got into our stretches. those are:
- L Shape
- Seal
- Butterfly
- Side support
First Rotation: The first rotation was the Half 180 turn. In this part of my first rotation we had to jump on this cardboard bouncy thing which made us jump. We had to jump as a half turn. The next part was the trampoline. On the trampoline we had to start at the white line and then jump in on the trampoline. When we were in the air we had to make a star shape. Next was the backwards roll. There was a triangle mat pointing our way and we had to do a backwards roll. Along the mats we had to do a handstand.
Second Rotation: For the second rotation the first thing I tried out was front support. For the front support we had to hold the bars in front of us with our hands and carry yourself. Next was the Back/Side/Front rotation. On this we had to us our hands and turn around. Next was the Parallel bars. This was the same as the front support. Next was the hand stand. We had to make our legs go higher.
Third Rotation: For the Third Rotation I had to do the box. The box was for us to practice our cartwheel. On the beam we had to walk backwards. On the bench we had to do a Forward Roll. It also had mats on it to make it feel more comfortable.
Reflection: What was hard for me was to do the cartwheels and Handstands.
Kiwi Sport
Wednesday, 15 May 2019
Being Honest | Integrity | Kiwi Can
L.I to use integrity and honesty.
Staying honest is not always easy, but telling the truth or helping a friend to tell the truth must be done
We did a different activity to show the people's emotion in different situations like when a false things is told or when you get blamed for something. I enjoyed this weeks Kiwi Can session.
Staying honest is not always easy, but telling the truth or helping a friend to tell the truth must be done
We did a different activity to show the people's emotion in different situations like when a false things is told or when you get blamed for something. I enjoyed this weeks Kiwi Can session.
Fairies of Patupaiarehe | Maori | Geography
L.I to learn about patupaiarehe fairies and the geography of Aotearoa.
Patupaiarehe fairies live in the shadows of the forest. They have powers like Super strength and a magical flute that attracts humans to them. They also come out on dark cloudy and rainy days because they are scared of the sun because it will burn them.
Tuesday, 14 May 2019
Play Break Down | Reading
L.I To Explain in Fewer words what the text is about.
Today for Reading we had to finish of a slide. This Slide is about our Second act of "Theatre". Our act is called Kabab. This leads us to our first slide. In the first slide it is talking about the stories and we can summarise it. The second slide is about the Play Inference. In the four boxes it is talking about the lines and the expression we use and who our Character interaction is. For the two bottom boxes it is mainly talking about the characters.
Wednesday, 8 May 2019
L.I to identify what Patupaiarehe.
Today for Maori I had learnt about Patupaiarehe and mountains. There are to stories about these two topics that Whaia Odie read us. they were The Legend of Mauao and the Tuhere wars. We also learnt about Patupaiarehe. Here is an description of who patupaiarehe is. We had also google map searched Pakuranga, Hunua and Waitakere.
Today for Maori I had learnt about Patupaiarehe and mountains. There are to stories about these two topics that Whaia Odie read us. they were The Legend of Mauao and the Tuhere wars. We also learnt about Patupaiarehe. Here is an description of who patupaiarehe is. We had also google map searched Pakuranga, Hunua and Waitakere.
Kiwi Can | Honesty | Integrity
L.I to define what honesty is.
Today's was LS1's first session for kiwi can this term. Our theme for this term is Integrity and our topic for the next couple of weeks is honesty. Integrity means to do the right thing and honesty means to tell the truth. Our Catchphrase was speak to me, truthfully, that's called Honesty! Our energiser was three sports. Mrs Peho had to turn around and say either the three sports which are Karate, Basketball and Boxing. Our Activity was Role-Play. In groups we were given situations about honesty. We needed to act out showing how to be honest.
Today's was LS1's first session for kiwi can this term. Our theme for this term is Integrity and our topic for the next couple of weeks is honesty. Integrity means to do the right thing and honesty means to tell the truth. Our Catchphrase was speak to me, truthfully, that's called Honesty! Our energiser was three sports. Mrs Peho had to turn around and say either the three sports which are Karate, Basketball and Boxing. Our Activity was Role-Play. In groups we were given situations about honesty. We needed to act out showing how to be honest.
Friday, 3 May 2019
SSR Selfie Haunted Baby sitters
L.I to summarise and retail a text.
Today I have decided to do SSR Selfie. SSR selfie where can talk about a book that you have read. The book that I have picked out is Haunted Babysitters.
Today I have decided to do SSR Selfie. SSR selfie where can talk about a book that you have read. The book that I have picked out is Haunted Babysitters.
Expanding Horizons
LI to learn part addition and place value addition.
Mr Wong's maths groups had made a chart for adding parts and place value addition. Mr Wong had linked us into a a PDF which had four different problems in it. We had to work out these problems using these strategy's.
Thursday, 2 May 2019
Simple, Compound, Complex Sentence | Writing
L.I to show an increasing knowledge of how a range of text conventions can be used.
This google doc is showing what we learnt and what we learnt was the differences between Simple, Compound and Complex sentences.
Simple Sentence: A simple sentence is one idea.
Compound Sentence: A compound sentence is a sentence that has a two ideas joined in with a Comma, Semicolon or Conjunction.
Complex Sentence: A complex sentence is a sentence that starts with a subordinated conjunction.
Play Break Down | Reading
L.I to build vocabulary.
Mr Ogilvie's Reading group had filled in a slide about a play that we are doing. The play is about Superheroes that attempt to save the Earth from Flummoxes and Octoclops. For the next 3 weeks reading will be all about Theatre. In this first slide it shows more about the summary about the story. In the second slide it is showing 4 of the lines that I will be saying and the expression and emotion that I will be using.
Wednesday, 1 May 2019
LS1 group B had Maori and Mrs Whaia Odie had read us the legend of Mauao. Mauao is a mountain that was a slave that was heartbroken because the person that he liked did not like him. He then traveled around and then was stood frozen. Everyone said that, that mountain was "Caught by Dawn". They also named that mountain Mauao. It is now Called Mt Maunganui. The next thing that we had done was make a google doc about main things we would say to introduce our self in Maori.
On Tuesday a couple of lucky students got the chance to participate on the Okahu Bay Volo Have a go. We were lucky enough to get two sponsors by Yachting New Zealand and Rotary. That day was the perfect day to go sailing with the sun so high and the breeze making waves.
The first thing that we had learnt was how to make the boats. Everything was already set for us so all we had to do was put the parts together. Our sailing instructors Steve, JR, Justin also helped us with how to sail the boat. In our partners each person had a job. The first job that I had done was pulling the rope to make the flag on the sailboat faster. We then went onto a big boat with justin in it. Justin took us to Steve. We had roamed around ASC to Mechanic Bay.
After lunch, We had sailed with our partners to sheltered bay to play activities and games like grabbing balls out of the water. Some people were lucky enough to get the water guns. We had also jumped out of the sail boat and struggled our way back into the boat.
Yesterday was an awesome experience because I got to go sailing and got to learn more about different parts.I would like to thank Rotary, Yachting New Zealand for sponsoring us and our instructors Justin, JR and Steve. I would also like to thank Mrs Daf, Mr Wong and Mr Ogilvie for taking us on the awesome experience to Volo have a go sailing.
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