I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Mrs Anderson and Mrs Fisi'iahi.
Wednesday, 29 August 2018
Izanagi and Izanami
LI. To identify the purpose of narratives.
LI. To identify the underlying morals/themes/explanations in myths, legends and fairy tales.
Today I have done A Slide showing you about Izanagi and Izanami. Izanagi and Izanami are japan gods. Izanagi and Izanami are married until Izanami dies from a burning fever after birth. In this slide it tells you information about these character and the story. I also have questions about Izanagi and Izanami.
Monday, 27 August 2018
sunset structure | silhouette
Today in class I have done a silhouette of the new York city. In class we spent this whole time trying to finish this silhouette . For this we needed paper to do it.
To do this We looked at photos of a sunset. We described what the colors were and what shapes we could shape the colors like. We we had to partner up with a person or be in groups. After doing this we and tried picking a city. Mr Wong done an example of what we had to do on our chrome books. A . lot of people done Auckland city but I wanted to be more exciting. So I went with New York City. Do this we could have poly-lined it or shaped it with shapes. First I done poly-lined it but it started to get hard so I just shaped it with shapes. It didn't really look well the first time. When I thought that I have finished i went back and fixed it up. We had to make it look like it was a 4 paper. We put this silawet onto a folder so that Mr Wong could print it off easier. after Lunch time we started to work on the back round. As you can see on the image there was a black paper. We had to search online to see an example and color Ideas of what you want it to look like. What I was thinking of was a green sunset and some , Red, pink and dark blue colors of the clouds. There was hot colors, warm colors and cold colors. this made a really good mix.
I enjoyed doing this art because I got to try something new and because I got to use paper and decorate What I want. I also enjoyed visualizing what this would look like.
To do this We looked at photos of a sunset. We described what the colors were and what shapes we could shape the colors like. We we had to partner up with a person or be in groups. After doing this we and tried picking a city. Mr Wong done an example of what we had to do on our chrome books. A . lot of people done Auckland city but I wanted to be more exciting. So I went with New York City. Do this we could have poly-lined it or shaped it with shapes. First I done poly-lined it but it started to get hard so I just shaped it with shapes. It didn't really look well the first time. When I thought that I have finished i went back and fixed it up. We had to make it look like it was a 4 paper. We put this silawet onto a folder so that Mr Wong could print it off easier. after Lunch time we started to work on the back round. As you can see on the image there was a black paper. We had to search online to see an example and color Ideas of what you want it to look like. What I was thinking of was a green sunset and some , Red, pink and dark blue colors of the clouds. There was hot colors, warm colors and cold colors. this made a really good mix.
I enjoyed doing this art because I got to try something new and because I got to use paper and decorate What I want. I also enjoyed visualizing what this would look like.
Thursday, 23 August 2018
L.I is to give honest opinion of another person's blog post.
Today I have Commented on Bella's Blog post of Izanami And Izanagi. This slide was very interesting. Bella has done a great job.
Today I have Commented on Bella's Blog post of Izanami And Izanagi. This slide was very interesting. Bella has done a great job.
Dance Mat Typing
L.I is to learn how to type without looking at your keyboard.
Today I learnt how to type without looking at my keyboard. Last week I learnt how to use the home row keys. This week I learnt two New letters. The new letters that I learnt is E and I. These letters were easy to do because it was only two letters. The finger that plays this letter is your middle finger. To do these put your hands on the home row. Then put your middle finger to the E and the I.
Today I learnt how to type without looking at my keyboard. Last week I learnt how to use the home row keys. This week I learnt two New letters. The new letters that I learnt is E and I. These letters were easy to do because it was only two letters. The finger that plays this letter is your middle finger. To do these put your hands on the home row. Then put your middle finger to the E and the I.
L.I is to write a narrative.
For a few weeks Mr Ogilvie's group have been learning how to write a narrative. We have also been learning how to use Similes, Hyperboles and others in story. In this story we had to write this in 40 minutes. I had to look back to the planning of the character because I forgot what the character looked like. 40 minutes was a long time so I got to think clear.
For a few weeks Mr Ogilvie's group have been learning how to write a narrative. We have also been learning how to use Similes, Hyperboles and others in story. In this story we had to write this in 40 minutes. I had to look back to the planning of the character because I forgot what the character looked like. 40 minutes was a long time so I got to think clear.
Swimming lesson | Kiwi sport
L.I is to be safe in water.
This morning in kiwi sport we have been learning about swimming in water safely. We went to the YMCA pools by bus. when we arrived to the pool we went and dropped our swimming gear in the corner of the chair. Then we walked safely to the pools where we went sat down. James, Cameron and Kelly taught us how to save someone.
To save someone you don't go and into the water and save them first get a noodle or a strong object that can pull a person out of the water. first lay on your stomach to pull them out if they are in danger.
It can also happen when a person thinks that they can't reach the floor do the same and pull them out. If you are drown put your hand straight up and call out for help. After we finished that we went onto the deeper side to experience what it feels like. It was really deep.
first we had to sit down on the side of the pool. Then we had to pin dive in the pool. To pin dive we had to put one leg into the water and step in and then bend your legs when you get into the pool. Soon when we finished They taught us how to survive and stay on top. So first we had to put our legs wide apart and make them as a circle round and and round and start put your hand up straight into the air and scream for help.
I enjoyed this weeks swimming because I know how to survive when I am in danger in the pools.
This morning in kiwi sport we have been learning about swimming in water safely. We went to the YMCA pools by bus. when we arrived to the pool we went and dropped our swimming gear in the corner of the chair. Then we walked safely to the pools where we went sat down. James, Cameron and Kelly taught us how to save someone.
To save someone you don't go and into the water and save them first get a noodle or a strong object that can pull a person out of the water. first lay on your stomach to pull them out if they are in danger.
It can also happen when a person thinks that they can't reach the floor do the same and pull them out. If you are drown put your hand straight up and call out for help. After we finished that we went onto the deeper side to experience what it feels like. It was really deep.
first we had to sit down on the side of the pool. Then we had to pin dive in the pool. To pin dive we had to put one leg into the water and step in and then bend your legs when you get into the pool. Soon when we finished They taught us how to survive and stay on top. So first we had to put our legs wide apart and make them as a circle round and and round and start put your hand up straight into the air and scream for help.
I enjoyed this weeks swimming because I know how to survive when I am in danger in the pools.
Kiwi Sport
Wednesday, 22 August 2018
Kiwi Can
L.I is to solve a problem.
Today I went to kiwi can. The new topic for kiwi can is problem solving. When we went into kiwi can we were asked to sit into a circle. then we were split into to four groups and seven people in it but my group just had six people in it because there was not enough people. There was for people from group A because some of them missed the last kiwi can. The energiser for this week was human. this game is when we put each of our hands with different people and try to un knot it. This activity took a lot of teamwork and cooperation to untangle the knot. We did not finish this because some people let go of their hands. The problem in this activity was that we let go of are hands. The resolution was that we had to start again but there was a small amount of time. After this we got into a whole circle. The game was matt dodge. It was like dodgeball but only on the the floor. It was a lot of work. After this We done our GKQ. The questions were hard. The question was what is a vehicle with no wheels. The answer was a helicopter. As soon as it was over I behavior was really bad. Mr Matt and Mrs Lily were really disappointed because no one was listening carefully and instead talking. Later then we apologies to Mr Matt and Mrs Lily. I hope next week we will be more mature and listen.
Today I went to kiwi can. The new topic for kiwi can is problem solving. When we went into kiwi can we were asked to sit into a circle. then we were split into to four groups and seven people in it but my group just had six people in it because there was not enough people. There was for people from group A because some of them missed the last kiwi can. The energiser for this week was human. this game is when we put each of our hands with different people and try to un knot it. This activity took a lot of teamwork and cooperation to untangle the knot. We did not finish this because some people let go of their hands. The problem in this activity was that we let go of are hands. The resolution was that we had to start again but there was a small amount of time. After this we got into a whole circle. The game was matt dodge. It was like dodgeball but only on the the floor. It was a lot of work. After this We done our GKQ. The questions were hard. The question was what is a vehicle with no wheels. The answer was a helicopter. As soon as it was over I behavior was really bad. Mr Matt and Mrs Lily were really disappointed because no one was listening carefully and instead talking. Later then we apologies to Mr Matt and Mrs Lily. I hope next week we will be more mature and listen.
Pier Foudation
Today I have made a slide showing what a pier foundation is. A pier foundation is something that can hold up a house from a higher distance. It can also hold up the entrance of the roof in the front and it can hold up a platform that you are standing on. Foundation means that it is supporting the grounds of a typical structure. A pier can be see at a house or on a plate form.
L.I is to know how to measure angles with a protractors.
Today In math we are learning about angles. This week we measured an angle with a protractor. mr wong handed us a piece of paper and a protractor. We got put into groups with people from different math groups. On the piece of paper there were different types of angles like a cute. There was also letters on the top of each angle. This was really hard to do because we had to make sure that it was the right answer.
How to measure an angle: to measure the angle you have to put the protractor on the piece of paper on the line that you doing. then make it look in the middle. On the protractor there are numbers on. You have to use the numbers on the outside that show the tens. you can also see that there are little lines. on the sheet you just put the protractor and just measure it and that is your answer.
Today In math we are learning about angles. This week we measured an angle with a protractor. mr wong handed us a piece of paper and a protractor. We got put into groups with people from different math groups. On the piece of paper there were different types of angles like a cute. There was also letters on the top of each angle. This was really hard to do because we had to make sure that it was the right answer.
How to measure an angle: to measure the angle you have to put the protractor on the piece of paper on the line that you doing. then make it look in the middle. On the protractor there are numbers on. You have to use the numbers on the outside that show the tens. you can also see that there are little lines. on the sheet you just put the protractor and just measure it and that is your answer.

Mahishasura and Durga
LI: to identify the underlying morals/themes/explanations in myths, legends, and fairy tales.
Today for Reading We had to learn about Myths, Legends and fairy tales. On the class site. There was four different stories we could choose from But I choose Mahishasura and Durga. I picked this because it looked really interesting. I had to pick a partner, I choose Liane. In this slide it tells you more information about what happens. There is also questions in this slide that I questioning about this story and the character. I learnt that Mahishasura wanted to root the world.
Tuesday, 21 August 2018
Sky tower trip
This Morning LS1 went to the sky tower in auckland city. We went by bus to the sky tower. We went to the sky tower to learn about structures. When we went on to the bus it was really loud because a lot of people were talking and playing I dare you. the person I sat next to was Sakina. When we were in the auckland city it was full of people and cars. There was a lot of traffic. After getting of the bus we thanked the bus driver. Later we went onto a brick wall and done the role. We had to say yes out loud because there was a lot of beebings.
After the role we walked into the sky city place. We had to be in group A and group B. Fist Group A got into the filming room. We walked to this place where it took photos, First was the girls. When we finished taking the photo we went into the elevator it was so cool because it had mirrors on the elevators so we could look outside on in the floor. There was also a TV at the back of us. We were going to Level 51. When we got there we went of and they gave us a paper and a pencil. At the top of us was people that were doing bungy jumping. There was papers that showed us about the places around us. After that we went into the place we went if there was a fire. After that we went into the theater. we watched how it was built
Friday, 17 August 2018
L.I is to give an honest opinion about somebody's work.
Today I have given honest feedback about Fau's DLO about Maui and the sun. This slide was very interesting . This google slide was about Maui and the sun.
Today I have given honest feedback about Fau's DLO about Maui and the sun. This slide was very interesting . This google slide was about Maui and the sun.
Multiplication and division
L.I to remember time tables.
Today I have written three times table. These times tables were my three, nine and four times table. the one I have had the most trouble with was nine times table because it was hard to remember. Times tables can also be a fact.
Today I have written three times table. These times tables were my three, nine and four times table. the one I have had the most trouble with was nine times table because it was hard to remember. Times tables can also be a fact.
Keyboard learning
Today I learnt how to type without looking at my keyboard. I learnt how to play the home row. The home row is the is the row that is the middle row. To play the row you have to put your left hand pinky on the A and put the other fingers on the S,D and F. Put your left hand thumb on the space bar. When you finish but your right hand pinky on the semicolon and but your other fingers on on the other letters but put your thumb on the space bar. There are two more letters on the row which is G and H. When you come to those letters you put your second finger to the thumb and press those letters.
Today for inquiry we went onto google maps and tried to find ten bridges. These bridges had to be five i know and five I don't know. I enjoyed doing this because I got to find information about bridges and get to use google maps.
Planning narrative
L.I is to plan a narrative
Today for writing we have been planning a narrative. Today I was doing boring and exciting things about the character and setting.
Thursday, 16 August 2018
Swimming lessons | Kiwi Sport
L.I is to be safe in water.
Today for Kiwi sport we have been learning how to swim at panmure basin lagoon pools. We took a bus to get there. In the bus it smelled like the pools. When we arrived we hoped of and got into a single file. We walked quickly so we could take of our school uniform and get into our swimming togs. When we finished doing that we walked and sat on the edge of the pool. When we got into to the pool our teaching instructors were talking to us about swimming in the ocean. When you swim in the ocean if we drown we do not move our hand because if we wave our hand that means that we are saying hi to them. They told us that if the life guards yell at us we do not have to be mad at them because they might be the people to save a life in danger . After that we had to go with our teaching instructor and do the role. When we finished the role we got into the pools. When we got into the pool we had to stand on the black platform. We were continuing on with sculling. How to scull is when you but your fingers together and put your palms in and palms out. our head had to be facing up. We also had to paddle so the we could go to the other platform. Fau and I were to fast so we done it on our backs. The doing it on our back was harder. When we were doing it on our back we had to face up, put our legs together. Then we started to work on some hand movement on our back. After that the year sixes came. Cameron said we could do freestyle. We wanted to race each other. Obviously the girls won.
The thing I enjoyed was Getting to know how to scull.
Today for Kiwi sport we have been learning how to swim at panmure basin lagoon pools. We took a bus to get there. In the bus it smelled like the pools. When we arrived we hoped of and got into a single file. We walked quickly so we could take of our school uniform and get into our swimming togs. When we finished doing that we walked and sat on the edge of the pool. When we got into to the pool our teaching instructors were talking to us about swimming in the ocean. When you swim in the ocean if we drown we do not move our hand because if we wave our hand that means that we are saying hi to them. They told us that if the life guards yell at us we do not have to be mad at them because they might be the people to save a life in danger . After that we had to go with our teaching instructor and do the role. When we finished the role we got into the pools. When we got into the pool we had to stand on the black platform. We were continuing on with sculling. How to scull is when you but your fingers together and put your palms in and palms out. our head had to be facing up. We also had to paddle so the we could go to the other platform. Fau and I were to fast so we done it on our backs. The doing it on our back was harder. When we were doing it on our back we had to face up, put our legs together. Then we started to work on some hand movement on our back. After that the year sixes came. Cameron said we could do freestyle. We wanted to race each other. Obviously the girls won.
The thing I enjoyed was Getting to know how to scull.
Kiwi Sport
Tuesday, 14 August 2018
Maui and the sun
L.I is to find information about
Today for reading we have been learning about myths and legends. This week we are learning about Maui. Maui is a demi god , he is a Myth and a legend. When the sun was to fast maui stopped it because we felt sorry for the humans. Maui is covered with tattoos. He made his hook a rope and his grandmother jawbone.
L.I is to know that the angle at a point is 360 degrees.
Today In math I have been learning about angle. The angles I learnt about was a cute angle, obtuse angles, straight angle, right angle. Acute angle is the smallest angle . it is smaller than the right angle. The straight angle is 180 degrees.
Thursday, 9 August 2018
L.I is be safe when you are swimming.
Today for for Kiwi Sport we have been learning about how to swim. This week we were learning about hypothermia. Hypothermia is when you get cold you could faint or die. The signs of hypothermia is if you have blue lips, If you walk weirdly, talk weird or you start to shiver. Camron told us he had hypothermia he hd hypothermia when he was playing rugby. When you get hypothermia you start to lose heat. It can't just happen when you are in the pools it can also happen in wet places like when it is raining and you are outside for a long time. Then after that We got into the pool and started to learn new tricks. One was a survival tip. it was when you you had to palm in and palm out. We could use this when you are in a deep place or in the middle of nowhere. We also learned how streamline on our back. It was hard. I enjoyed this weeks lesson because I now know how to survive when I am in deep water.
Today for for Kiwi Sport we have been learning about how to swim. This week we were learning about hypothermia. Hypothermia is when you get cold you could faint or die. The signs of hypothermia is if you have blue lips, If you walk weirdly, talk weird or you start to shiver. Camron told us he had hypothermia he hd hypothermia when he was playing rugby. When you get hypothermia you start to lose heat. It can't just happen when you are in the pools it can also happen in wet places like when it is raining and you are outside for a long time. Then after that We got into the pool and started to learn new tricks. One was a survival tip. it was when you you had to palm in and palm out. We could use this when you are in a deep place or in the middle of nowhere. We also learned how streamline on our back. It was hard. I enjoyed this weeks lesson because I now know how to survive when I am in deep water.
Kiwi Sport
Wednesday, 8 August 2018
CyberSmart:Media is Construction
L.I is to identify the purpose of the information presents of media.
Today for Cyber smart we have been learning about media. In this slide there are word clouds showing what I did. There also images of me and family and friends.
3D Shapes
Today In Maths we are learning about 3D Shapes. We made 3D shapes using toothpicks and bluetack. It was a fun activity because we got to create a 3D shape. I only made two shapes because we only had ten minutes to do them. In this slide I have showed you how much vertices, Edges and faces.
Kiwi Can
L.I is to set a goal for the future.
Today In Kiwi Can Our topic and theme is resilience and setting goals. The first engiser was called snatch. Snatch is when there are a circle of a rope and cones in it. When the music stops we have to snatch the cone. But the rules are we cant dive and snatch the cone and get on our knees. It was the first round I got it. But on the second round I got out because someone pushed me out so that I couldn't get the cone. Andrew won that whole game. Then we sat into four lines. We were talking about goal setting. Goal setting is setting a goal so you have a better future. Then we got into our activity. Or activity name was called octopus . Mr Matt had to try and tag us with the long floats and if he hit us he had to stay still to where the place we got hit. I was one of the last ones. Then we had to get into our points. We had to work on Respect because people were calling out the answer.
Today In Kiwi Can Our topic and theme is resilience and setting goals. The first engiser was called snatch. Snatch is when there are a circle of a rope and cones in it. When the music stops we have to snatch the cone. But the rules are we cant dive and snatch the cone and get on our knees. It was the first round I got it. But on the second round I got out because someone pushed me out so that I couldn't get the cone. Andrew won that whole game. Then we sat into four lines. We were talking about goal setting. Goal setting is setting a goal so you have a better future. Then we got into our activity. Or activity name was called octopus . Mr Matt had to try and tag us with the long floats and if he hit us he had to stay still to where the place we got hit. I was one of the last ones. Then we had to get into our points. We had to work on Respect because people were calling out the answer.
Tuesday, 7 August 2018
Friday, 3 August 2018
LI: is to give honest feedback.
Today I was giving honest feedback to Fau's post about panmure bridge. This post was really interesting.
Today I was giving honest feedback to Fau's post about panmure bridge. This post was really interesting.
Adding fractions
Today in math we have been learning how to add fractions. I have made a slide showing you how to add fractions. First I thought that when we add fractions we just add them with each other but is much harder. IN this slides there are steps of how you can do it. There are two ways of doing it but I just done one way. I enjoyed this because I got to learn somthing new about fractions.
Myths, Legends and Fairy tales
LI: is to know the similarities between Myths, fairytales and legends.
Today for reading we have all been learning about myths, fairytales and legends. To me the similarities between all of them is that they are traditional stories. The meaning of myth for me is religious beliefs and demi gods or gods. Fairy tale for me means elements of fantastic. For example like cinderella. This movie involves magic. The word legend for me means someone who has made history. Legends are also semi true stories. The similarities between fairytales and myths are they both involve magic because there are mythical creatures and fairies have magic.
Thursday, 2 August 2018
L.I is to plan a narrative
Today for writing we have been planning our narrative story. Today I have been doing What my character would look like and wear and how she behaves. We done a slide of our main character. My character is a superhero who has fire powers. In this slide we had to describe what the characters look like. I enjoyed it because I got to design a character and visualize it in my head.
Panmure Bridge Structure
LI: to find out what happened in the recent bridge.
Today for inquiry we have been learning about structure. We have been learning about how the panmure bridge got built. We had to be three people in a group. Charlize, Angelica, Liletina and me. We have done a slide showing about the things of the panmure bridge. We had fun doing this as a group using teamwork.
Kiwi Sport Swimming.
L.I is to learn water safety.
Today for kiwi sport we have been swimming. We have been swimming at ymca lagoon pool. First we had to get into our swimming togs that we were wearing underneath our school uniform. Then we had to walk to the place where we swam last week. Then our swimming teacher Cameron done the role for us. Then we tried the safe entries into the pool. we also done the pin entry which is when you come into deep water. when we got into the pool we went onto the platform. Then he asked us to swim to the other platform without paddling our feet. It was hard because the other platform was on the deep side. Then he asked us to swim back without paddling. I got out because My nose was bleeding. I didn't really enjoy that swimming lesson that much because my nose bleed.
Today for kiwi sport we have been swimming. We have been swimming at ymca lagoon pool. First we had to get into our swimming togs that we were wearing underneath our school uniform. Then we had to walk to the place where we swam last week. Then our swimming teacher Cameron done the role for us. Then we tried the safe entries into the pool. we also done the pin entry which is when you come into deep water. when we got into the pool we went onto the platform. Then he asked us to swim to the other platform without paddling our feet. It was hard because the other platform was on the deep side. Then he asked us to swim back without paddling. I got out because My nose was bleeding. I didn't really enjoy that swimming lesson that much because my nose bleed.
Kiwi Sport
Wednesday, 1 August 2018
Kiwi Can
Today in kiwi can our topic and theme is resilience and goal setting. For our activity we were doing a game that we had to partner up with someone. But we couldn't Partner up with a girl we had to partner up with a boy. It also included teamwork. Mr matt And mrs Lily and had to say a body part we had to hold the ball with that body part. but we could not use our hands. The hardest one for me was the back to back. I enjoyed cause we got to communicate work as a team.
Cyber smart
Today for cyber smart we have been learning about smart media.
Media to me is digital things we use. For example and Ipad. Today we had to make a two word clouds about our emotions.
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