As apart of getting my Excellence & Innovation's badge, I am offered activities and one these activities, is this DLO above. In this DLO, I have written down my personal passion. My personal passion, is to become a interior designer. I have always wanted to be an interior designer, ever since I was little. I didn't grow up with much, but I had always made little photo's of what I would like my house to be. You can learn more about Interior designer, in this DLO.
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Mrs Anderson and Mrs Fisi'iahi.
Sunday, 31 May 2020
Excellence & Innovation Badge 3 | Passion Interior Designer
L.I Create a DLO about your personal passion.
Excellence & Innovation Badge 2 | Jonah Lomu
L.I Research a New Zealander who has shown excellence and innovation in their life.

As apart of completing my Excellence & Innovation's Badge, I have created a DLO, which I have researched of a New Zealander who has shown excellence and innovation in their life. The New Zealander I have chosen is, Jonah Lomu. I choose him because he is, of course, one of the most legendary rugby players and has been a role model to many kids. He has represented NZ very well and has managed to accomplish a lot during his time still around. You can read this DLO to learn more .
Friday, 29 May 2020
Food TECHnolgy
L.I to learn and pratice knife skills.
As LS2 is in Term 2, we are now know doing Food Technology. Our teacher was Mrs Hecka, from Tamaki College. What we first did was get asignned seats(I got to be a Dish-washer), which their were two(Cooker or Cleaner). I had to clean Afatia & Ong's equiptment that they had used. The first thing that made was a Colourful fruit salad, The ingredients were:
- Choice of Yogurt
- Choice of fruits
The equitment that was needed was:
- Measuring cups
- Measuring spoons
- Two different cutting boards.
After the the cutting the fruits, we got to put a choice's of fruits into a cup and over that, we had layered a cup of yogurt. We then continued this process,
and our masterpeice was created.
I really enjoyed this weeks tech because we all had jobs to do and it was just one person doing all of the work, and I deffinellty loved the food. I cant wait for the next weeks tech.
Thursday, 28 May 2020
Ancestor Poem
L.I To write a poem to describe your anscestors using the literacy devices of alliteration, onomatopeia, metaphor, simile, hyperbole and rhyme.
Our Ancestors are our taonga, and this week we have developed a poem about them. As a class, we worked together to write our poems about our ancestors and the taonga they bring to our lives. We had created this poems to think about them and to be grateful. I really enjoyed creating this poem because I got to connect with my ancestors through this and I got to share to the class, about my culture. In this DLO above, I have used an 'I am' Repetition. In this Poem I also showcase the fact, that I am proud to be who I am. You will see this in the first and last verses of my poem.
L.I to learn about Suffixes.
Today LS2 practised learning Suffixes. This was also apart of STEPS. Sukkixes are words that have the same ending at the end of the word. Here is an axample of what I have done.
Wednesday, 27 May 2020
Ta'Ovala Maths Challenge
L.I to find the most efficient strategy to solve a problem.
As presented in this DLO, Heavenly and I have worked collaportively to create this DLO. In this DLO, we are solving a maths problem; about the Ta'ovala. In this DLO we had to find out how many peices of Matierial that htey needed to make 26 Ta'ovala's. Here is our stratigising.
What is a Ta'ovala? A Ta'ovala is a Tongan Traditional clothing/mat, that is worn for special occasions(Funrals, Church or Ceremony's etc.). It is worn around you waist, and is tied with a peice of rope made out of coconut skin.
Tuesday, 26 May 2020
Maths Challenge Fish
L.I to find the most efficient strategy to solve the problem.
In this DLO that is represented, I have created a DLO representing the Rule. The Rule means a strategy that needs rules or instructions to solve a problem. In these 4 questions, on this DLO, I have used the RULe strategy. The RULE that I have done was 3x and -1 to get to my answer. Here are some examples.
In this DLO that is represented, I have created a DLO representing the Rule. The Rule means a strategy that needs rules or instructions to solve a problem. In these 4 questions, on this DLO, I have used the RULe strategy. The RULE that I have done was 3x and -1 to get to my answer. Here are some examples.
Tuesday, 19 May 2020
6 Hats/ Ballad Poem
L.I to learn about poetry.
As you can see above, Fau & I, had worked collaboratively to complete this DLO; about the 6 hats, Ballad Poem. What we first did to gather the information to complete the 6 hat DLO, Fau & I had watched a short film about the NZ ballad poem. After this, we had Defined some words that I found really interesting. Fau & I then decided to do three hats each which you can see in this slide.
Home Learning
Opening of the Wheke | Maths
L.I to find the most efficient strategy to solve a problem.
In this DLO, I have completed my 3rd maths challenge for wk 5. In this DLO, I had to find out how many of the guests sat and how many stood at the back. The main information that I had was that their were 621 guests attending. I really enjoyed doing this task because it kept me on track with my maths and a little bit challenging, so I thought more.
Home Learning,
Team Maths Challenge |
L.I to find the most efficient strategy to solve a problem.
In this DLO you can see, Sakshi, Fau and I, had worked collaborativly to solve a maths challenge. In this Maths Challenge, their were three questions where we eached solved one. Fau did the the first, Sakshi did the thrid and I had done the second. I really enjoyed doing this task becaue I got to learn the strategys that Sakshi and Fau had used and we got to collaborate. You can check the DLO, above, the see our strategies.
Home Learning,
Math Challenge 1 Wk 5
L.I to find the most efficient strategy to solve a problem.
Apart of our maths learning, we are practising to find the most efficinet way to solve a maths problem. The maths problem that I have completed today is the Math, Challenge 1, Wk 5. The Question was "Whaea Marama was organising the kai for the Hui at Nga Hau e Wha National Marae. She said they needed to allow for 7 slices of bread for each person attending per day. If each loaf contains 21 sices and the Hui will last for four days, How many loaves does she need to order to cater for 267 people?".
You can check this DLO below to see the strategy I used.
Apart of our maths learning, we are practising to find the most efficinet way to solve a maths problem. The maths problem that I have completed today is the Math, Challenge 1, Wk 5. The Question was "Whaea Marama was organising the kai for the Hui at Nga Hau e Wha National Marae. She said they needed to allow for 7 slices of bread for each person attending per day. If each loaf contains 21 sices and the Hui will last for four days, How many loaves does she need to order to cater for 267 people?".
You can check this DLO below to see the strategy I used.
Home Learning,
Thursday, 14 May 2020
Think Outside the Box no.2
L.I to think outside the box, be creative and finish the picture.
As a part of devolping our Art skills, We practiced drawing by being creative. Our teacher had created a small line, where we had to be creative and try to use that line in a drawing. This was fun and interesting because we got to go outside of our comfort zone and develop new skills. What I had drew, was a ice cream/cone. I chose to do Mango Ice cream beause it is my favourite! What is your favourite?
As a part of devolping our Art skills, We practiced drawing by being creative. Our teacher had created a small line, where we had to be creative and try to use that line in a drawing. This was fun and interesting because we got to go outside of our comfort zone and develop new skills. What I had drew, was a ice cream/cone. I chose to do Mango Ice cream beause it is my favourite! What is your favourite?
Home Learning
Kapahaka Maths Challenge 2
L.I to find the most efficient strategy to solve a problem.
As part of our Maths Learning, we are practising to find the most efficient ways to solve a maths problem. The maths problem That I have completed is the Maths challenge 2. Their were 3 questions which you can see in this presentation. THe information that I have gathered from this maths problem is that "Hemi & Matua Ronaki are preparing a Hangi to fundraise for the Shirley School Kapa Haka Group. They are trying to work out how many food items can fit in the Hangi?". After gathering this information, I had then started to wokr this out on paper since it was more easier for me. You can see my strategys for these questions, In this presentation.
As part of our Maths Learning, we are practising to find the most efficient ways to solve a maths problem. The maths problem That I have completed is the Maths challenge 2. Their were 3 questions which you can see in this presentation. THe information that I have gathered from this maths problem is that "Hemi & Matua Ronaki are preparing a Hangi to fundraise for the Shirley School Kapa Haka Group. They are trying to work out how many food items can fit in the Hangi?". After gathering this information, I had then started to wokr this out on paper since it was more easier for me. You can see my strategys for these questions, In this presentation.
Home Learning,
Venn Diagram | 1870 - 2020
LI: Find as many similarities and differences as you can between NZ in 1870 and NZ in 2020.
As part of Our learning this week, We have been learning about NZ in 1870. To gather this information, we had first watched a video, teing the story of Charlotte Anne, Old Bills Soliloquy etc. After reviewing this video, I had compared what it was like in 1870 to now(2020). Here is the venn diagram that I have created.
As part of Our learning this week, We have been learning about NZ in 1870. To gather this information, we had first watched a video, teing the story of Charlotte Anne, Old Bills Soliloquy etc. After reviewing this video, I had compared what it was like in 1870 to now(2020). Here is the venn diagram that I have created.
Home Learning
Problem Solving| Kiwi Can
L.I to identify what Problem Solving is.
FOr this week's Kiwi Can session, OI had learnt about about Problem Solving. Problem Solving is about thinking of ways to do things and trying them out. It also means to find ways to solve an issue or interruption. During this Kiwi Can session, I learnt a lot of ways to solve these problems that you can come across. I had also created a video to show my understandings of it. I really enjoyed this task because I learnt the ways you can solve issues and because I had a better understanding. Here is what the Presentation I have created.
FOr this week's Kiwi Can session, OI had learnt about about Problem Solving. Problem Solving is about thinking of ways to do things and trying them out. It also means to find ways to solve an issue or interruption. During this Kiwi Can session, I learnt a lot of ways to solve these problems that you can come across. I had also created a video to show my understandings of it. I really enjoyed this task because I learnt the ways you can solve issues and because I had a better understanding. Here is what the Presentation I have created.
Tuesday, 12 May 2020
1870 NZ | Photo Montage
L.I To show what life was like for Men, Women and children in, NZ, in the 1870.
As part of our learning, we were practising createing a photo Montage. THis Photo Montage is about what life was like in NZ, in the 1870. Fau and I had collaborated on this task. What I most enjoyed about this task was getting to see the difference from what NZ looks like today.
As part of our learning, we were practising createing a photo Montage. THis Photo Montage is about what life was like in NZ, in the 1870. Fau and I had collaborated on this task. What I most enjoyed about this task was getting to see the difference from what NZ looks like today.
Home Learning
Thursday, 7 May 2020
Mussels Maths Problem | Daily Maths Challenges
L.I To find the most efficeint strategy to help you solve the maths problem
To help us find the most efficeint way to solve a strategy, we practiced, by strategising with different maths questions. I have now completed my 2nd Maths Problem. The information I have is that Zion and his koro got a permit to harvest, 517 mussels, for the Hakari Marae. Koro was a bit faster at harvesting then Zion and for every 4 mussels Zion had harvested, Koro Harvested 7. The questions are "If koro had harvested 28 mussels, how many has Zion harvested?" "If Zion harvested 64 mussels, then how many has Koro harvested?" and "Once they had harvest the whole 517, how many had Zion and Koro harvested?".
You can go on this slide to see my strategies for these questions.
To help us find the most efficeint way to solve a strategy, we practiced, by strategising with different maths questions. I have now completed my 2nd Maths Problem. The information I have is that Zion and his koro got a permit to harvest, 517 mussels, for the Hakari Marae. Koro was a bit faster at harvesting then Zion and for every 4 mussels Zion had harvested, Koro Harvested 7. The questions are "If koro had harvested 28 mussels, how many has Zion harvested?" "If Zion harvested 64 mussels, then how many has Koro harvested?" and "Once they had harvest the whole 517, how many had Zion and Koro harvested?".
You can go on this slide to see my strategies for these questions.
Home Learning,
Extra Reasearch | Haiku
L.I to learn more about Japan
For one of my Distance Learning activities I did a extra research challenge on Haiku and Japan. In my extra research challenge I have some information on some history on Japan, I have some history on the history of Haiku. I created a video explaining what a syllable is and how you can identify it, and my partner Chris also wrote down what a syllable.
Home Learning,
Haiku Challenge 2 - Mountains
L.I to correctly structure and write a haiku poem.
This Week, Part of our learning is about Haiku. Haiku is a form of/Japanese poem of seventeen syllables, in three lines of five, seven, and five, traditionally evoking images of the natural world. In this task that I was informed about, We practised creating a 3 verse haiku poem. I had chosen to write about the mountains. I used the Haiku poem to tell this story, by using words taht can describe the situation of what is going on in my head. Here is what I had come up with.
This Week, Part of our learning is about Haiku. Haiku is a form of/Japanese poem of seventeen syllables, in three lines of five, seven, and five, traditionally evoking images of the natural world. In this task that I was informed about, We practised creating a 3 verse haiku poem. I had chosen to write about the mountains. I used the Haiku poem to tell this story, by using words taht can describe the situation of what is going on in my head. Here is what I had come up with.
Home Learning,
Haiku Challenge 1
L.I to recognize the structure used in Haiku poem.
As we are doing home learning, LS2 has been practising the basics and structure of a Haiku Poem. A Haiku Poem is a a Form of/Japanese poem of seventeen syllables, in three lines of five, seven, and five, traditionally evoking images of the natural world. I had chosen to talk about Ocean, Winter and Rain as topics of my Haiku theme. I really enjoyed doing this because it got me out of my comfort zone and I got to identify new words, while figuring out which words to put in place.
As we are doing home learning, LS2 has been practising the basics and structure of a Haiku Poem. A Haiku Poem is a a Form of/Japanese poem of seventeen syllables, in three lines of five, seven, and five, traditionally evoking images of the natural world. I had chosen to talk about Ocean, Winter and Rain as topics of my Haiku theme. I really enjoyed doing this because it got me out of my comfort zone and I got to identify new words, while figuring out which words to put in place.
Home Learning,
Wednesday, 6 May 2020
Art Challenge - Out of the Box
L.I To think outside the box, be creative and finish the picture.
To help us develope our creativity, we practiced drawing and thinking out of the box. with this peice of drawing, at first it was a line, we then had to be creative and draw something with that line. In my mind what came up was a puzzle. You can see what I drew down below here.
To help us develope our creativity, we practiced drawing and thinking out of the box. with this peice of drawing, at first it was a line, we then had to be creative and draw something with that line. In my mind what came up was a puzzle. You can see what I drew down below here.
Home Learning
Te Huarere/The Weather | Maori
L.I to learn the weather in Maori and how to pronouce.
In this activity, I have created a slide to, help me understand Te Reo, Maori better. I have put pronouciation's at the bottom and connected photos to the word, so you know which is which. I enjoyed doing this becuse it is very helpful and I could help someone else with this slideshow. Check it out at the bottom here.
In this activity, I have created a slide to, help me understand Te Reo, Maori better. I have put pronouciation's at the bottom and connected photos to the word, so you know which is which. I enjoyed doing this becuse it is very helpful and I could help someone else with this slideshow. Check it out at the bottom here.
Kahoa Lole | Daily Maths Challenge
L.I To find the most efficeint strategy to help you solve the maths problem.
To help us find the most efficeint way to solve a strategy, we practiced, by strategising with different maths questions. The first maths problem that I have solved was Kaoa Lole. Their are three questions in this maths problem. You can see it in these slides that I have created. It also shows the strategy I used, on the images. Check it out down below here.
To help us find the most efficeint way to solve a strategy, we practiced, by strategising with different maths questions. The first maths problem that I have solved was Kaoa Lole. Their are three questions in this maths problem. You can see it in these slides that I have created. It also shows the strategy I used, on the images. Check it out down below here.
Home Learning,
Saturday, 2 May 2020
3 motivational quotes | Care Awards | Exellence & Innovation 1
L.I to create posters of 3 motivational quotes that might inspire others.
As a part to achieve the Exellence & Innovation Badge/Care Award. Care Award Badges, are badges that show others that you have Confidence, Attitude, Respect and Exellence & Innovation. One of the challenges that I have now completed was to "create posters for 3 motivational quotes that might inspire others". I loved this activity because I was also motivated and inspired by these quotes while researching about them. I have chosen 3 motivational quotes in this slide that you can see down below.
As a part to achieve the Exellence & Innovation Badge/Care Award. Care Award Badges, are badges that show others that you have Confidence, Attitude, Respect and Exellence & Innovation. One of the challenges that I have now completed was to "create posters for 3 motivational quotes that might inspire others". I loved this activity because I was also motivated and inspired by these quotes while researching about them. I have chosen 3 motivational quotes in this slide that you can see down below.
Friday, 1 May 2020
Helping Fau | Care Award | Positive Attitidue 5
L.I to have a positive attitude.
L.I to help someone who needs help with something.
As we are self-distancing ourselfs, I have been helping others and connecting with then through video call. The person that I helped was Fau. Fau is my friend and I have helped her with her school work and many other things. We have been close friends ever since we were small so it was easy for us to connect.
This is also for my Care Awards/Badges. Care award Badges are important im my school because it shows others that you have Confidence, Attitude, Respect and Exellence and Inovation.
L.I to help someone who needs help with something.
As we are self-distancing ourselfs, I have been helping others and connecting with then through video call. The person that I helped was Fau. Fau is my friend and I have helped her with her school work and many other things. We have been close friends ever since we were small so it was easy for us to connect.
This is also for my Care Awards/Badges. Care award Badges are important im my school because it shows others that you have Confidence, Attitude, Respect and Exellence and Inovation.
Impact of a Positive Attitude | Care Awards | Positive Attitude 4
In this video, I have talked about the impact of a Positive Attitude. This video was created for one of the Care Awards. Care Awards(Badges) in our school are important because it shows others that you have respect and Confidence. In this video, I have talked about the impact of a Positive Attitude.You can watch this video to see why a positive attitude is important.
The longest word in the world attempt | Care Award Teacher created | Positive Attitude 3
In this task we were challenged to pronounce the longest place in the world which is can be seen here. The place was 85 letters. This task was a created Teacher task, for positive attitude for my care awards. Care awards in my school are very important. They are Badges that show others that you have Confidence, Attitude, Respect and Exellence and innovation.
The word which is in moari means this : ’The summit where Tamatea, the man with the big knees, the slider, climber of mountains, the land-swallower who travelled about, played his kōauau (flute) to his loved one’.
Here is my video:
The word which is in moari means this : ’The summit where Tamatea, the man with the big knees, the slider, climber of mountains, the land-swallower who travelled about, played his kōauau (flute) to his loved one’.
Public Health Nurse | Care Awards | Positive Attitude 2
L.I to have a Positive Attitude.
I have completed one task from the Positive Attitude, Care Award. In PBS, these badges/care awards are inportant because it show others that you have respect(or what your badge says). The task that I have completed was the PHN, meaning: Public Health Nurse. The Public Health Nurse is a a servic that helps kids under the age of 13 when they are sick. I enjoyed this task because I got to learn more about them by reasearching them.
I have completed one task from the Positive Attitude, Care Award. In PBS, these badges/care awards are inportant because it show others that you have respect(or what your badge says). The task that I have completed was the PHN, meaning: Public Health Nurse. The Public Health Nurse is a a servic that helps kids under the age of 13 when they are sick. I enjoyed this task because I got to learn more about them by reasearching them.
Sophie Pascoe | Care Award | Positive Attitude 1
For a Positive Attitude Care Award, I had completed one of the 5 chosen tasks. A Care Award is one of our school badges that tell others you have respect(aka what the badge says). This task was to ‘Research about someone who has had a positive attitude despite what they have gone through’. FOr this task I had picked Sophie Pascoe. Sophie Pascoe is a swimming athlete who has successfully won 9 gold medals and six silver medals currently. When she was about 2 yrs-old her dad accidently ran her over with the lawn-mower. I adore her so much because she represents NZ very well and despite what has happened, she still is living her life
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