L.I to take a virtual tour of Aotearoa.
As we are doing home learning, we are also taking a virutla tour of Aotearoa. Part of our home learning is Blogging challenges. On these blogging challenges, we are asked to pick a place from NZ that was listed. Next we had to click on the place that we picked; which lead us to a document with activities that was needed to be completed. The place that Juel and I had picked was Splash Planet. The Splash planet is a Water Ammusent park. Use this slide that we have created to gather information about the Splash Planet.
I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Mrs Anderson and Mrs Fisi'iahi.
Tuesday, 31 March 2020
Auckland War Museum | Home Learning
LI: To take a virtual tour around Aotearoa
For our home learning activities i worked collaboratively with a friend we are taking a virtual tour around NZ. The place I chose was the Auckland war museum. For the first activity we had to find facts about trenches and what life is like for a soldier living in the trenches. for our second activity we had to talk about one weapon that soldier used. and for our bonus activity we had to talk about what food the soldier ate.
For our home learning activities i worked collaboratively with a friend we are taking a virtual tour around NZ. The place I chose was the Auckland war museum. For the first activity we had to find facts about trenches and what life is like for a soldier living in the trenches. for our second activity we had to talk about one weapon that soldier used. and for our bonus activity we had to talk about what food the soldier ate.
Home Learning
Auckland Museum
L.I to take a virtual tour of Aotearoa.
As we are doing home learning we are also taking a virtual tour of Aotearoa. Part of our learning is blogging challenges. The blogging challenges is when you pick one place from NZ. after you have chosen a place, you have to click on the place you had picked and it will come up with activities: you will have to complete those activities. Juel, Fau and I had worked collaboritively to complete one task about the Auckland Museum. You can check it out here.
As we are doing home learning we are also taking a virtual tour of Aotearoa. Part of our learning is blogging challenges. The blogging challenges is when you pick one place from NZ. after you have chosen a place, you have to click on the place you had picked and it will come up with activities: you will have to complete those activities. Juel, Fau and I had worked collaboritively to complete one task about the Auckland Museum. You can check it out here.
Home Learning
Monday, 30 March 2020
Hobbiton Movie Set | Home learning
L.I to take a virtual tour of Aotearoa.
As we are doing home learning, we are also exploring Aotearoa. Part of our home learning is Blogging Challenges. For blogging challenges we are asked to pick a place from a list of places of NZ. Once you have decided on the place you have picked, their are activities for you to complete. Fau, Juel and I, had worked together to complete one of the places. We picked Hobbiton Movie Set. I have personally been here with my family so it was much easier to complete. You can read this silde that we had created to learn more about it.
As we are doing home learning, we are also exploring Aotearoa. Part of our home learning is Blogging Challenges. For blogging challenges we are asked to pick a place from a list of places of NZ. Once you have decided on the place you have picked, their are activities for you to complete. Fau, Juel and I, had worked together to complete one of the places. We picked Hobbiton Movie Set. I have personally been here with my family so it was much easier to complete. You can read this silde that we had created to learn more about it.
Home Learning,
Saturday, 28 March 2020
Kawarau Bridge | Home Learning
L.I to take a virtual tour of Aotearoa.
As we are doing Home learning, we are exploring Aotearoa. Part of our Home learning is our Blogging Challenges. Blogging Challenges are places in aotearoa with activities of those places. The place that I had pick for today is Kawarau Bridge. Kawarau Bridge is a bridge that is located in Queenstown. YOu can do fun activities like bungee jumping.
As we are doing Home learning, we are exploring Aotearoa. Part of our Home learning is our Blogging Challenges. Blogging Challenges are places in aotearoa with activities of those places. The place that I had pick for today is Kawarau Bridge. Kawarau Bridge is a bridge that is located in Queenstown. YOu can do fun activities like bungee jumping.
Home Learning
Kelly Tarltons | Home Learning
L.I to take a virtual tour of Aotearoa.
As we are doing Home Learning, We are taking a Vitural tour of Aotearoa. Part of our learning is Blogging Challenges. Blogging Challenges are places in NZ, With activities about those places. The place that I have chosen was Kelly Tarltons. Kelly Tarltons is a small Aquarium located in Orakei, Auckland. Check out the Kelly Tarltons site to find out more.
As we are doing Home Learning, We are taking a Vitural tour of Aotearoa. Part of our learning is Blogging Challenges. Blogging Challenges are places in NZ, With activities about those places. The place that I have chosen was Kelly Tarltons. Kelly Tarltons is a small Aquarium located in Orakei, Auckland. Check out the Kelly Tarltons site to find out more.
Home Learning,
Friday, 27 March 2020
The Sky Tower | Home Learning
L.I to take a virtual tour of NZ.
As we are doing home learning, we are exploring Aotearoa. Part of our learning i the Blogging CHallenges. For blogging Challenges, Students from LS2 has prvided activities from places in NZ. THe place that picked for today was the Sky Tower. The Sky Tower its the tallest building in NZ. It is located in Victoria Street West, Auckland CBD, Auckland.
As we are doing home learning, we are exploring Aotearoa. Part of our learning i the Blogging CHallenges. For blogging Challenges, Students from LS2 has prvided activities from places in NZ. THe place that picked for today was the Sky Tower. The Sky Tower its the tallest building in NZ. It is located in Victoria Street West, Auckland CBD, Auckland.
Home Learning
Thursday, 26 March 2020
Taitua Arboretum
As we are doing Home Learning, we are exploring Aotearoa. For our home learning part of our learning is challenges is the LS2 Learning Journey. This is where we explore parts of NZ. We get to pick a place from NZ. ON each place we picked was activities that were connected to the place that we had picked. The place that I had picked was Taitua Arboretum. Here is what I had made.
Home Learning,
Exercise Name | PE
L.I to stay Fit.
To stay fit, we did an exircise activity. This exercise acitivity was on a board. on that board was the English Alphapet, next to those letters were exercise activities. Example: C - 30 squats. With these letters we had to do it with our name. It was so exhausting and tiring. Here is the chart and try it for your self. My Attempt.
To stay fit, we did an exircise activity. This exercise acitivity was on a board. on that board was the English Alphapet, next to those letters were exercise activities. Example: C - 30 squats. With these letters we had to do it with our name. It was so exhausting and tiring. Here is the chart and try it for your self. My Attempt.
Kiwi Sport
The Auckland Harbour Bridge | Home LEarning
L.I to take a virtual tour of Aotearoa.
As we are doing Home Learning, we are exploring Aotearoa. For our home learning part of our learning is challenges is the LS2 Learning Journey. This is where we explore parts of NZ. We get to pick a place of our choice. The place that I have chosen today was The Auckland Harbour bridge.
As we are doing Home Learning, we are exploring Aotearoa. For our home learning part of our learning is challenges is the LS2 Learning Journey. This is where we explore parts of NZ. We get to pick a place of our choice. The place that I have chosen today was The Auckland Harbour bridge.
Home Learning,
Wednesday, 25 March 2020
Skyline Luge | Home Learning
L.I to take a virtual tour of Aotearoa(New Zealand)
As we are doing Home learning, A part of it is Blogging CHallenges. As assigned, we are asked to pick one place out of aotearoa to study. On each place their was a place with instructions. The place that I have chose to do was Skyline Rotorua. Skyline is a fun and adventures place to do fun and cool activities. If you wanna learn more about it, check out this slide that I have made on it.
As we are doing Home learning, A part of it is Blogging CHallenges. As assigned, we are asked to pick one place out of aotearoa to study. On each place their was a place with instructions. The place that I have chose to do was Skyline Rotorua. Skyline is a fun and adventures place to do fun and cool activities. If you wanna learn more about it, check out this slide that I have made on it.
Home Learning
Tuesday, 24 March 2020
Rainbows End | Getting to Know New Zealand
L.I to take a virtual tour of Aotearoa.
As we are doing Home Learning, One of the parts were Blogging Challenges. We were asked to pick at leat one place to study about. On each place we picked, their were links to a slide which showed the activities we werre asked to answer. Fau and I had collaborated together to complete this challenge. We had both done Rainbows End. Here is the slide that we have created.
As we are doing Home Learning, One of the parts were Blogging Challenges. We were asked to pick at leat one place to study about. On each place we picked, their were links to a slide which showed the activities we werre asked to answer. Fau and I had collaborated together to complete this challenge. We had both done Rainbows End. Here is the slide that we have created.
Home Learning
Friday, 13 March 2020
Rounding and Compensating | Maths
LI: solve addition problems with tenths by changing one number into a whole number.
This week for Maths we created two DLOs showing how we solved two team challenges that involved adding decimals. Using the most effective strategy we found the answer. The most effective strategies were written algorithms and place value. In this session we were learning rounding and compensating. The two questions we tried to solve were:
5.75 + 2.0 = 7.75 x 12 = ?
218.99 + 109.85 = ?
This week for Maths we created two DLOs showing how we solved two team challenges that involved adding decimals. Using the most effective strategy we found the answer. The most effective strategies were written algorithms and place value. In this session we were learning rounding and compensating. The two questions we tried to solve were:
5.75 + 2.0 = 7.75 x 12 = ?
218.99 + 109.85 = ?
Gourds | Smart Searching
This week for Cybersmart we learning about Smart searching. The steps to smart-searching are: Key words or phrase within your question, Skim and Scan, Crt F to find the words and select or reject. The things that we searched about was Gourds.
Thursday, 12 March 2020
Exploring Provocations
This week we have been exploring both sides of provocation. A provocation is an action or feelings that trigger strong feelings about a topic. Our provocation that we focused on this week was 'Should NZ become a cashless Society'. In partners(or groups), we collaborated together to talk about whether or not we should become a cashless society. We thought that we should not become a cashless Society because imagine giving your card that has all of your money to a little kid. It is better with cash because their is a limit. My partner and I have created a DLO showcase this issue in NZ.
Monday, 9 March 2020
How to be a Confident Leader | Kiwi Can
L.I to understand what a Confident leader is.
For Kiwi Can we were talking about Leadership. We were talking about what leaders needed to overcome, and what is a confident leader. They need to overcome fear, embarrassment, anxiety, emotions and the negative outcomes of possibilities. Leaders also need to be brave and take risks. We also shared our personal leaders in our lives, like our parents, or even someone famous. Leadership means being responsible, being confident, and patient. A confident leader inspires people to do their best, and is a role model. Kiwi Can really made us think about all the leaders in our life and around the world.
Thursday, 5 March 2020
Names of Places NZ
L.I to explain why places get their name.
In pairs/groups, we worked collaborative to find out the meanings of why places are called what they are. Their were three people we needed to find out what places they named in NZ. Those people were Abel Tasman, Captain James Cook and Kupe. Here is a Google Maps of places where they had discovered. PLaces like these are called these places to hounor others or to get something in return.
Maths Questions DLO

This week in Maths, we worked collaboratively in our Maths group to solve a team challenge question. In our group we worked together to solve a maths problem about which was about trying to solve what age 3 people were, with not that many hints. After we solved the question, we created a DLO about the strategy we used and how we solved the question.
Dinner for My Family | Care Awards Respect Badge 5
Make Dinner For your Family
I made cabbage with pork. With it, I added a little bit of chilli and little bit of salt to add some flavour.
I also cooked Cassava to put it as a side dish.
L.I to Make Dinner Four your Family.
To earn a badge are we pick(of our choice) 5 acitvities to do. A Badges shows people that you have Courage and Leadership. The Badge I chose to do was Respect. In this Activity we were challegned to make dinner for our families. You can read above what I made for my family.
Aretha Franklin 'Respect' | Care Awards Respect Badge 4
Research the song of Aretha Franklin
Aretha Franklin's song was a cover of Otis Redding's song ‘Respect’. They had the same meanings in their songs but instead of Otis Redding's asking men for respect he was asking women for Respect.
Aretha Franklin is a singer, song-writer and a civil rights activist. Source from Song Meaning and Facts
L.I to Research the song Respect by Aretha Franklin.
To earn a Respect badge we being challenged to complete five activties(of our choice) from a list. This one of the activities for the Respect Badge. In our school badges show others that you have leadership and courage. I chose to do the respect badge so taht people know that I have respect. In this activity we had to research Aretha Franklin's song Respect. You can read the top to learn the meaning of Respect(song).
To earn a Respect badge we being challenged to complete five activties(of our choice) from a list. This one of the activities for the Respect Badge. In our school badges show others that you have leadership and courage. I chose to do the respect badge so taht people know that I have respect. In this activity we had to research Aretha Franklin's song Respect. You can read the top to learn the meaning of Respect(song).
Thank You Letter! | Care Awards Respect Badge 3
L.I to create a Thank you Letter to a teacher or a staff member.
To earn a Respect badge we are being challenged to finish five activites from a list. This is one of the Activities. A badge in our school shows others you have leadership and courage. In this activity that I picked to do was: writing a letter to a teacher of a staff memeber. I chose to write a thank you letter to my teacher because she very helpful and has taught me a lot. Here is the letter I wrote to her.
PBS Collage | Care Awards Respect 2
L.I to create a Collage showcasing life in PBS.
To earn a badge we are challenged to pick five activities to do from a list. I have picked one Activity from the Respect Badge. These badges tell people that you have earned these things and that you are trust worthy. In this activity we were challenged to create a Collage shocasing life in PBS. Above you can see the Collage I have created. In this Collage that I have made it shows what PBS participates in our our journey as a school.
Past and Present
This week in Reading, we got into our reading groups and collaboratively to complete the activities relating to Captain Cook and Kupe's’ voyage. For one of these tasks, we created a past and present DLO which explained the problems and differences between, the transportation from decades ago to now. We also did reciprocal reading and made a summary. Each person had a job to do, Vocab Clarifier, Questioners, Summarize, Predictor and the leader.
Monday, 2 March 2020
Respected Leader | Care Awards Respect 1
In Panmure Bridge their are Badges that tell people you have leadership. The challenge that I have accepted was Respected Leader. In this activity we were asked to create a presentation and pick a respected leader. In this presentation that I have created I have talked about What a respected leader is and how you can be a leader. I chose to talk about one leader which was Malala Yousafzai.
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