Panmure Bridge Had the Opportunity to go to MOTAT(Museum of Technology and Transport). We had first went into the Mind Lab where we had met our Guides Ema, Kenza and Damion. Our Class(LS1) Got to go explore around the Exhibitions at MOTAT. We had went to an Telecommunication Exhibition. In this Exhibition was a lot of telephones that were still working surprisingly. We could also call the other person that was on the telephone. We had went into the Innovators. In this Place was more Exhibitions about New Zealand Inventors. It Included Peter Beck, from Rocket Lab, Ian Taylor from Animation Research Limited and also a Spring-free trampoline. In the Spring-free trampoline, there was a trampoline where we had played a game. After This Innovators Exhibition we had to go back to the Mind Lab.
When we had got back to the Mind Lab we had Made Some Electric Cars with Kenza. The Materials that we needed to get was Skewers(Axle), Scissors, Tape, Cardboard, Motor and a propeller. The Goal was to make this car go fast. My partner Charlize was working on the wheels and axles and I was working on the base of the car. We did not succeed this challenge.
After this challenge we had learnt how to make a Flashlight using LED lights. my group was Charlize, Juel and I. The Materials that we needed was LED light, Stoppers, Axles and connect blocks. This was also not Successful.
I had enjoyed this trip to MOTAT because I got to learn and experience items from the olden days.