I am a Year 8 student at Panmure Bridge School in Auckland, NZ. I am in Learning Space 2 and my teachers are Mrs Anderson and Mrs Fisi'iahi.
Wednesday, 31 October 2018
This week in Maori Mrs Odie read a story about the weather. This was a small book. This book was talking about the weathers in different places in New Zealand. After we listed to that story there was some places that we didn't know about so we had to search those places on google maps. When we finished we had to make a slide showing the weather that happened the last three days.
Kiwi Can
L.I is to have respect for your school.
This week for Kiwi Can we have been learning how to have respect and have respect for your school. Last week we didn't go Kiwi Can because they were at dunkirk park picking up rubbish. The teachers for this weeks Kiwi Can was Mr Matt and Mrs Paige.
The Energizer for this week was Center ball. How we played this game was by standing in a circle. Then Mrs Paige put a ball in the middle. After she numbered us 1 to 4. The number that I was, was 4. When she finished that we had to run around circles until we got to the spot where we started. I didn't win it.
The next activity was bus stop. She gave us a pen and paper. Bus stop is a game where you write down a lot of categories and you try to finished them. If you finish you say bus stop. We got split into groups to do this. When we finished the game we added up the points. We got last but we tryed our best.
I enjoyed kiwi can because We got to play a lot of activities and learnt about respect.
This week for Kiwi Can we have been learning how to have respect and have respect for your school. Last week we didn't go Kiwi Can because they were at dunkirk park picking up rubbish. The teachers for this weeks Kiwi Can was Mr Matt and Mrs Paige.
The Energizer for this week was Center ball. How we played this game was by standing in a circle. Then Mrs Paige put a ball in the middle. After she numbered us 1 to 4. The number that I was, was 4. When she finished that we had to run around circles until we got to the spot where we started. I didn't win it.
The next activity was bus stop. She gave us a pen and paper. Bus stop is a game where you write down a lot of categories and you try to finished them. If you finish you say bus stop. We got split into groups to do this. When we finished the game we added up the points. We got last but we tryed our best.
I enjoyed kiwi can because We got to play a lot of activities and learnt about respect.
Tuesday, 30 October 2018
Interactive story and Conflict and resolution | U-turn Reading
L.I is to analyse a story for its conflict and resolution. L.I To make a book Interactive.
This week for reading we read a story called U-Turn. Mr Wong Showed us an example of how to do a interactive book. He did an example of the story Spark. The story Spark was the story that we read in Week One. What we also had to do was do the Conflict and Resolution Google draw. In the interactive story you have to look throw the story and found out some of the words.
Unknown location.
Friday, 26 October 2018
L.I is to give honest opinions to other people blog post.
Today I did commenting on Juels blog post. HIs blog post was about math. It showed images of bundles. I can tell that he put a lot of effort into this because he must have had to take a lot of photos.
Today I did commenting on Juels blog post. HIs blog post was about math. It showed images of bundles. I can tell that he put a lot of effort into this because he must have had to take a lot of photos.
Dance Mat Typing
L.I is to type without looking at your fingers and keyboard.
This week I did a Can Do. The can do that I did was Keyboarding. THe new letters that I learnt were V and M. These letters were hard to learn.
This week I did a Can Do. The can do that I did was Keyboarding. THe new letters that I learnt were V and M. These letters were hard to learn.
L.I is to learn some basic facts.
Today I played a game called Prototec. Prototec is a game where you learn your basic facts. You also get to pick levels. The level that I picked is 5. In this level it was kind of hard on my division because I don't really know that much about division.
Today I played a game called Prototec. Prototec is a game where you learn your basic facts. You also get to pick levels. The level that I picked is 5. In this level it was kind of hard on my division because I don't really know that much about division.
Recount Line Tag | Writing
L.I is to learn how to make a proper recount.
This week in writing we played a game called line tag. Mr O's writing groups wen to play line tag outside on the school netball court. When we finished we came back and wrote a recount of the game. The challenge was that we only had forty minutes to do it. I think the first time I did it was pretty good but I didn't do that much paragraphs. ON thursday we had another session of writing this time we had to make it better then the first recount. I didn't know if I could do it. I was really scared but I managed to do it. I think I did better by doing paragraphs and putting more punctuations in it and using TREE in my recount. I think I also did good by being specific in this recount.
This week in writing we played a game called line tag. Mr O's writing groups wen to play line tag outside on the school netball court. When we finished we came back and wrote a recount of the game. The challenge was that we only had forty minutes to do it. I think the first time I did it was pretty good but I didn't do that much paragraphs. ON thursday we had another session of writing this time we had to make it better then the first recount. I didn't know if I could do it. I was really scared but I managed to do it. I think I did better by doing paragraphs and putting more punctuations in it and using TREE in my recount. I think I also did good by being specific in this recount.
Thursday, 25 October 2018
Boxing Session
L.I is to learn the basics of boxing.
This week is the first week of kiwi sport. The sport that we are doing for kiwi sport is boxing. Boxing took place in the school hall. The teacher for our boxing classes are Bax. Bax has two fights her fist fight was for charity. There was three rules she told us. They were Respect, Discipline and Safety. If we break any of the rules we had to do burpee's each time we broke a rule.
When we finished we started. We had to get gloves so that we don't sweat in the gloves and we also had to get gloves to train with. We had to get into partners. The person that I partnered up with was Sakina. When we got into partners we had to decide what numbers we were. I was partner number 1 and she was partner number 2. Partner 1 had to sit on the first line and the second partner had to sit on the line behind me.
Then we started. The first thing we learn't was standing in a position. To get ona position we had to but our legs apart and feet. Then put your right leg to the back. When you do that you have to bend down. When you finish that you have to you have to clinch your hands and but them to your checks softly. After that we punched our left hand straight. It is called a Jab. We did it a lot of times. When we finished we learnt how to do it two times.
The next thing that we learnt was a cross. so to do the cross we had to move our leg to the side. When we did that we had to punch with our right hand. We done it ten times.
I enjoyed this first Boxing session because I have learnt a lot of things from this boxing session.
This week is the first week of kiwi sport. The sport that we are doing for kiwi sport is boxing. Boxing took place in the school hall. The teacher for our boxing classes are Bax. Bax has two fights her fist fight was for charity. There was three rules she told us. They were Respect, Discipline and Safety. If we break any of the rules we had to do burpee's each time we broke a rule.
When we finished we started. We had to get gloves so that we don't sweat in the gloves and we also had to get gloves to train with. We had to get into partners. The person that I partnered up with was Sakina. When we got into partners we had to decide what numbers we were. I was partner number 1 and she was partner number 2. Partner 1 had to sit on the first line and the second partner had to sit on the line behind me.
Then we started. The first thing we learn't was standing in a position. To get ona position we had to but our legs apart and feet. Then put your right leg to the back. When you do that you have to bend down. When you finish that you have to you have to clinch your hands and but them to your checks softly. After that we punched our left hand straight. It is called a Jab. We did it a lot of times. When we finished we learnt how to do it two times.
The next thing that we learnt was a cross. so to do the cross we had to move our leg to the side. When we did that we had to punch with our right hand. We done it ten times.
I enjoyed this first Boxing session because I have learnt a lot of things from this boxing session.
Kiwi Sport
Remember That November | Maori Session

This week for Maori our teacher was Whaea Odie. the first thing that Whaea Odie read us a story called Remember that November. This story is about when there is a school speech competition. The kids thought that Andy would win the competition. The speech he talked about was about Guy Fawkes. A man called Guy Fawkes tries to explode the kings caste with gun powder. After he finished with his talk Aroha stood up with a white feather in her hair. She talked about a village called Parihaka .After that story we had to research the village Parihaka. Mrs Odie gave us a sheet of paper of a map of New Zealand. We had to mark where Parihaka is.
Link to some information about Parihaka.
Painted Hoe: Conflict and Resolution | Reading
This week for Reading we read a story called Painted Hoe. This story is talking about the waka and hoe waka. This story is also about how the Europeans wanted the land but the Maori's didn't want to sell there island. The resolution in this story is that The Europeans and Maori's had a peaceful meeting at 3am on 12 October 1769.
M.A.I.N | Inquiry
L.I is to learn what the M.A.I.N thing that started world War 1.
This week for Inquiry we had to find out what the Meaning of Militarism, Alliance, Imperialism and nationalism. Mr O made a cheat sheet for us so that it could be easier. He also put links to youtube videos. So we just had to watch the videos and copy and paste the things from the cheat sheet. My buddy for this activity was Angelica. We worked really well together. WHen we finished Mr O called us to the mat. We fixed the thinks that were wrong.
This week for Inquiry we had to find out what the Meaning of Militarism, Alliance, Imperialism and nationalism. Mr O made a cheat sheet for us so that it could be easier. He also put links to youtube videos. So we just had to watch the videos and copy and paste the things from the cheat sheet. My buddy for this activity was Angelica. We worked really well together. WHen we finished Mr O called us to the mat. We fixed the thinks that were wrong.
Wednesday, 24 October 2018
Geometry activity's | Math
This week for maths We had to pick a topic to cover. The topic that I did was geometry. We also had to come down with questions to ask about this subject. When we finished with Mr O we had to make a slide or DLO. The DLO had to include activities for the audience. In this slide you will have to find out what the definitions are.
Media is a construction | Cybersmart
L.I is to Identify gimmicks used to attract and persuade people to buy the product.This week in Cyber smart we had played a game last week of gimmicks. ON this slide there was questions about the company Coco Crunch. We had to find out the purpose. We also done one of ourself and of the school. We had say what attracts people to it.
Friday, 19 October 2018
L.I is to give honest feedback to other people's work.
Today I have done commenting. The person that I commented on was Bella. Bella made a blog post about her maori. This blog post was really interesting. I think that she should have but a little bit more of information.
Today I have done commenting. The person that I commented on was Bella. Bella made a blog post about her maori. This blog post was really interesting. I think that she should have but a little bit more of information.
L.I is to learn your Multiplication.
Today I wrote down my times tables. I only done five times tables. THe times tables that I did was 8, 2, 9 and 7 times tables. I got help from sakina. THe hardest one for me was my 8 times table because I had to memorise it before I wrote it down. The point of doing this is that you can memorise your times tables.
Today I wrote down my times tables. I only done five times tables. THe times tables that I did was 8, 2, 9 and 7 times tables. I got help from sakina. THe hardest one for me was my 8 times table because I had to memorise it before I wrote it down. The point of doing this is that you can memorise your times tables.
Typing | Dance Mat Typing
L.I is to learn how to type without looking at your keyboard.
Today I learnt new keys. The keys were Q and P. they were hard to learn because theses were the last letters at the top.
Today I learnt new keys. The keys were Q and P. they were hard to learn because theses were the last letters at the top.
World War 1 Interactive Notebook
This week in Inquiry we had to learn about world war 1. what we did was get a slide from Mr O. I had a partner to help me so it was much easier. We worked really good together. We had to make a copy of it. On this slide there was important words. We had to find the definitions of it. The next slide was where it was a timeline. Mr O and MR Wong but a link for us to give us a hint. The hardest one for me was timeline.
Thursday, 18 October 2018
L.I is to learn more about measurement.
Today I made a slide showing what I learnt in math. In math we got to pick what to learn. I picked Measurement because I forgot a lot of things about measurement. In this slide it shows you a trick that you could use to help with measuring. We also done things about weight.
Writing | text type
LI: Recap on structure and language features of written texts.
This week in writing we played a game called line tag. So we got split into teams. one team was the runner and one team was the tagger. the taggers had to stand in a line but different directions. So I was facing right and the other person next to me was facing left, so as the other person next to me. It was like a pattern. so what ever direction you were facing you could not go over the line. After that game there was three story's. We had to find out if it was a Recount, Explanation and a Procedure. After doing that we had to but correct words in each slide.
Word Master
Today I finished a slide about word master. the words that I choose for latin was port. Port meant to carry. The word I choose to do for the greek root words were morph. Morph means to form or shape yourself. Word master has taught me different type of words that I have never knew about before. I like doing word master because I get to know knew words and make better sentences with the words I have learnt from word master.
Character kete | Jessica Ghost
Today I have finished a slide of character kete. THe book did for character kete was jessica the ghost. THe story is about a boy who is lonely, then a girl comes and buts her hand through the bench he asked if she was a ghost she said yes, but he was the only one who could see her. They were friends. This book was really good and really entertaining.
Wednesday, 17 October 2018
Coco-Crunch Gimmick l Cybersmart
L.I To Identify gimmick used to attract people to to purchase.
This week in Cybersmart we learnt what the meaning of gimmicks is. gimmick is making a trick to purchase that item. So we played a game which was about gimmick. We had to do the correct things. To make it look like someone would buy it. Their were five things to do in this game. In this slide there is an image of what I done on the game.
Link to game Link
Maori | In the beginning
This week in Maori we Mrs Odie reed us a story about In the beginning. The story was about the sky god Rangi and land god Papa have kids but the kids are in the dark so they find a way to get light. One of the kids say to kill their parents but the other son said no. so all of them tried to separate them. The last one got on his back and but his feet against his father's chest. When he saw light he stopped. When it rains that means that Rangi is crying for papa. We also watched a video of a person doing sand art about the story. It looked really cool. We also learnt about the people who found New Zealand. We went on to this site showing different places of New Zealand. After that we learnt a song. Mrs Odie told us that she use to sing this song when she was little.
Link to the site we looked at Link
Link to the site we looked at Link

Kiwi Can | Respect
L.I is to be respectful.
This week was the first kiwi can of the term. The theme is to have respect. Respect means behaving yourself. The new topic in kiwi can was respect in school. We had a new leader in kiwi can. her name was Mrs Paige.
The energizer for kiwi can is No Rules Or Rules. So the game was tag but with no rules. So everyone could tag each other. It was really exhausting and boring. The next round was with rules. The first taggers were Mr Matt and Mrs Paige. It was a lot more fun and fair.
After the energizer we talked about Values. Values mean the standards and behavior in your life. My value is taking responsibility. I picked responsibility because I need to be responsible for my own doings.
When we finished doing that we got into our activity. This activity was really fun. The activity was a role-play. The role play was when there are two new students and the other students have shared lunch but the two new students didn't bring any lunch. I was one of the new students. This was really fun to do. This role-play had to do with respect.
This week was the first kiwi can of the term. The theme is to have respect. Respect means behaving yourself. The new topic in kiwi can was respect in school. We had a new leader in kiwi can. her name was Mrs Paige.
The energizer for kiwi can is No Rules Or Rules. So the game was tag but with no rules. So everyone could tag each other. It was really exhausting and boring. The next round was with rules. The first taggers were Mr Matt and Mrs Paige. It was a lot more fun and fair.
After the energizer we talked about Values. Values mean the standards and behavior in your life. My value is taking responsibility. I picked responsibility because I need to be responsible for my own doings.
When we finished doing that we got into our activity. This activity was really fun. The activity was a role-play. The role play was when there are two new students and the other students have shared lunch but the two new students didn't bring any lunch. I was one of the new students. This was really fun to do. This role-play had to do with respect.
Tuesday, 16 October 2018
Conflict and Resolution| Spark
L.I to analyse a story of its conflict and resolution.
This week in reading we have been learning about conflict and resolution. Conflict means an argument or disagreement and resolution means changing the conflict and ending it. We reed a book called spark. The book is about when dillon has a birthday gift and his brother harley wants a turn but Dillon said No. Then Mum and dad had a disagreement of who should have a turn but then when dillon was riding his scooter dad took it of him and gave it to Harley. When Harley got it he went to the park with the scooter. He went back home to the bathroom. The resolution in this story is that the scooter was stolen. I think that this story connects to Cinderella because when the two sisters were jealous that cinderella had a better dress.
Link to full story Link
This week in reading we have been learning about conflict and resolution. Conflict means an argument or disagreement and resolution means changing the conflict and ending it. We reed a book called spark. The book is about when dillon has a birthday gift and his brother harley wants a turn but Dillon said No. Then Mum and dad had a disagreement of who should have a turn but then when dillon was riding his scooter dad took it of him and gave it to Harley. When Harley got it he went to the park with the scooter. He went back home to the bathroom. The resolution in this story is that the scooter was stolen. I think that this story connects to Cinderella because when the two sisters were jealous that cinderella had a better dress.
Link to full story Link
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