
Friday 31 May 2019

Gymnastics | Kiwi Sport

L.I To learn how to do gymnastics.
For this term of kiwi sport we have been learning how to do gymnastics. Our Coach Steve had divided us into three groups. There was also three stations so each group took a turn at each station.

We had also done stretches like Butterfly, Seal shape, straddle and cat shape to warm up. We played a game called stuck in the mud where when the taggers tag you, you have to stay still as if you were stuck in the mud.

First rotation: The first thing that I had started of was with the board. We had to jump onto the bored and land straight with our arms horizontally straight in the air. The next thing we did was the trampoline. I had to jump onto the trampoline that goes to the stage and land on a big comfy mat with our hands in the hair vertically. We then had to do a forward roll on the mat. if we had mastered that we could jump onto the trampoline with our hands on the edge of the stage and do a forward roll. We then jumped off the stage onto the next part which is where we had to do a backwards roll. When we had mastered that we had to do a backwards roll on the floor. After this we had to do the candle shape which is where you lift your bum off the floor and you hold your back with your hands. Lastly we had to do two handstands.

Second rotation: The first thing we did in the second rotation was the handstand on the wall. Second was the bars, we had to lift our legs off the bar and then but it back at the bar. Next we had to put our legs on a square cube and push our back down. Next was the back support.

Third rotation: The first thing that I had done on the third rotation was the beam. When we had gotten into the middle of the beam we had to jump. next we done a cartwheel on a blue line. After this we had to forward roll of the stage on the the bench where we had to do bunny hops over the bench. Lastly we had to forward roll on the beam which has a mat in it.

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